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Awaiting VBS1 Arival

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Hello all,

I purchased VBS1 and some addons and I'm waiting on them to get here. Thought I would pop in and introduce myself. I have some other peeps that may buy this "game" if they like what they see, I'm trying to coax them into it. Looks like there isn't that big of a community but then again there isn't a huge OFP community either. I love playing coops and CTF games on ofp so I'm probly going to pump out some missions for both.

I live in Ohio and have seen where some of the addons are not avialible to the U.S. unfortunatly. I'm trying to find a way around that, I've got some friends over sea's and my bro is in the military.

hopefully I'll see you fellas ingame by the end of next week, ;)

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Welcome to the site,

yeah, there isn't a "massive community" like with other games, but we like to see it as Quality not Quantity :P:lol: and anyway VBS1 isn't a mere "game" it's the best Tactical Simulation you can get :D

It is well worth the wait, trust me :D

Cya on the battlefield :thumbsup:


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You won't regret it Tera...it's well worth the money and the wait.

Agreed, the community isn't big, but like Pave said, it's a respectfull one.

You'll be having a blast once it'll hit your mailbox...

Hope to see you drop in soon.

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Thanks for the warm welcome fellas,

I bought the VBS1 core, Special forces, OPFOR1, ADF1, and the European Regions.  I guess I need to get the other island addon and animals 1 to play with you fellas?  Do I have to have the other addons as well?

Well on some dedi they require all official add ons and some are determined by whats in the mission.

Ur current add on selection covers at a guess 50-60% of missions.

ADF2 and Terrain 2 (Desert, Snow and Tropical) are the next two most critical packs- as CT do not have/ allow USMC1 or ADF2 Pack u may not to be able to play some missions.

However the majority of players will select missions where you will have the add ons for. ;)

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