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Some fo you know (jesus, so many new faces) ive had VBS for ages, but havnt been able to run it.

Well now i can!!!

But cos im a dumb a.rse, im having a mountain of trouble trying to install everything!

I havnt been able to catch gordo on MSN latly, but yeah, :help:

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Should be a pretty straightforward automatic installation, just make sure you get the core installed first (can't remember if you need to have the USB key in during installation, don't think so though). Install the core first and then whatever addons you have, for Terrain 1 and Terrain 2 I think there are 2 separate installs that you need to do.

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ahhh....well SP missions go in the Missions folder, mp missions in the mpmissions folder (although it's usually enough if the server has the missions installed, your computer will download them automaticly).

Any addons should go in the addons folder.

That's atleast how I've got it set up and it seems to work for me. :whistle:

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