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Trinity Island

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Trinity Island by Buggs is available over @ http://www.vbsresources.com

Required modules:

  • Terrain Pack 1

  • Mapfact Baracken 1.5


I originaly Made this island For Ofp. I started in may 2002 & finished it about a year later (3 updates in total).

Using WRPedit to make this island was quite intense. It had no copy or paste funtion and no road editor. So as you can imagine it was hard going. However I'm eternaly grateful to the Wrpedit team for providing me the tools to make this island. Cheers!

For the update to VBS1 I Used WrpTool.

Fixes/Changes For Vbs version

1. Most towns now have Resistance/ style Buildings & Roads

2. Added Power lines to most areas. (Models by Seventh)

3. Removed Agent smith Harbour & Chemical plants (these use textures from OFP Resistance)

4. Updated to Mapfact 1.5 (Cheers, W0lle!)


Unzip to a destination of your choice,

move the pbo file "Trinity.pbo" and "trinity_anims folder"into the directory \VBS1\Addons\

Mapfact.trinity mission into your directory\VBS1\Users\your name\Missions.

This mission contains and example of how to get the Mapfact Radar/Hanger Working. To get these to work in yor own mission simply cop & paste the init file from the mapfact mission into you own mission folder.

Also there is a demonstration on how to use the Mapfact current house (power mains). Simply approach the current mains & flip the switch.

The lights around the base will go off. You can use this with any lights. Just get the id number from the mission editor (show id button, bottom right of the in game mission editor) and replace the numbers in the lights.sqs.

Please note that the current house is placed via the mission editor & not wrptool.

Bugs/Known Issues:

1. If you select anything other than normal terrain detail in the options menu ingame (options/video options/terrain detail) the bridge at hope valley and some buildings/fences will appear out of line/uneven.

2. There are two airports on Trinity island (stansfield & Liberty), VBS1 can only support one working airfield, and in this case it's stansfield, Liberty is manual land/takeoff only.

3. The land joining the various islands together is prone to flooding depending on the time of year/day, this is not a bug, but the the realism of OFP. I have however lifted the land somewhat for this verson.

4. Not all forest Squares align to the ground. This bug is game Engine related (vbs1 only).

5. Removed all forest Triangles (See above.....)

Thanks to the following people:

Mapfact. amazing work, very Professional.

W0lle, For Mapfact conversion to VBS1. Nice work!

Dschulle, Rom, Snake man, shinraiden, For WRPtool.

Anybody thats taken the time to answer my Numerious Questions!

And as always to Bis Czech/Bis Australia.......Thanks!!

any constructive comments/problems to brent@hardy77.freeserve.co.uk or post them on the official boards: http://www.vbsresources.com/forum/  (Providing you have access!)

This is a great map, loads of hamlets, towns, ruins, burned out houses, military camps, roads, bridges all look superb

The possibilities for mission scripting on this map are literally endless

Another excellent map from Buggs

Get this map now!


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