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Some VBS1 Questions


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Hey, :rocky:

Can anyone answer these questions about VBS1? Sorry if they've been asked.

1) Are the enviroments destructible?

2) If I get VBS1 do you guys think ADF1, ADF2, OPFOR1 and Terrain1 will be enough to play most user-made missions?

3) What user-made addons are essential? (eg DXDLL , animations...)

4) What are the most common weapons used?

5) Is it possible to play as tangos and enemies?

6) When playing MP with the most of you will I need Teamspeak?

7) How many equipment/ weapon slots are there?

8) Fast-roping, how does it work?

Thanx in advance.

jmcdonald :)

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1) Are the enviroments destructible?

No. However, all vehicles are usable and destructible.

2) If I get VBS1 do you guys think ADF1, ADF2, OPFOR1 and Terrain1 will be enough to play most user-made missions?

To be honest, Terrain 2, SF1 and Animals 1 are probably going to be desirable as well. Likely you can still play with just ADF packs, Opfor 1 and T1. It might just limit you a bit depending if you're going to be playing on others' servers or hosting on your own.

3) What user-made addons are essential? (eg DXDLL , animations...)

So far, not a ton of the user made addons have seen great circulation. I tend to use the new SR47/74 rifles by Fransden and also use the BAS addons, but other than the BAS stuff, not a lot of it is seeing widespread use. Get what you like. The animation packs are by far an improvement over the stock VBS1 animations though and what's good about that, not everyone you play with has to have it, just you. Unfortunately I can't use DXDLL- my card doesn't like it. :(

4) What are the most common weapons used?

M4s are by far the most widely used.

5) Is it possible to play as tangos and enemies?

Yes, depending on the mission, though missions are easily altered to allow for it.

6) When playing MP with the most of you will I need Teamspeak?

If you want to play with the fellas here, you need TS2.

7) How many equipment/ weapon slots are there?

Well, it will depend on the weapons you are using. Typical is an M4/M203 load out with 4 magazines and 3 40mm rounds, or M4/Javelin load out with 4 mags, 1 rocket. Or, if you go just mags, it's 9. Other than that, there is a slot for a launcher, a secondary slot with 3 magazines, slot for binoculars and one for NV.

8) Fast-roping, how does it work?

It's basically a menu command while playing in-game. Much like getting in and out of vehicles, you bring up a command menu and select that action, then it's done automatically.

Edited by WP33
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Gee, Thanx WP33.

No probs, buddy.

Um, When playing missions can you select your kit or is it a pre-set thing?

It's selected by the team leader at the start of the mission, assuming there are weapons available to select (dictated by the mission file). On most stock missions, it's preset, depending on role (Javelin soldier, machine gunner, medic, etc.)

And is there any user-made maps available that work with the core product alone?

There's a couple out there. Maps are one thing. Missions and the units used in them, are another. You can make missions on any of the handful of maps out there (don't worry, the maps are HUGE).

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go to www.ofpec.com

its the ofp editing center, and has a kazzillion scripts and code snippets. and most will work in vbs

the medic is simple really. move to one, or have one mover to you. action menu, select heal. the unit leader can also order ai team mates to heal or be healed


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Try the OFP:Resistance demo if you want to get used to the 'framework' that VBS is based on. All commands, actions, etc will be similar. VBS differs mainly in visual quality and content. (and higher level stuff to do with data logging and playback for military simulation/training purposes that doesn't concern gamers)


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Environments are destructible. Trees fall over (Excluding forest trees), fences, signs, bushes, brick walls, phone polls, etc... can all be destroyed by simply running them over with a tank or armored vehicle.

Buildings are iffy, they have this weird effect that if they take enough damage, they kinda crumple up like a paper cup, making them a lot harder to move around inside.

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