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another video for WK

Cpl Ledanek

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Cool video, but a bit repetative :-)

I'd like to put in a question, i've understood that only like every tenth round is loaded as tracer, so i kind of have my doubts with this in the opening to sequences? I mean, there is a big discrepancy between the "carbashing" scene and the first scenes (especially the redglowing "swarming" seems like there is more tracers than usual in there. Can anyone lighten me up ?

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Cool video, but a bit repetative :-)

I'd like to put in a question, i've understood that only like every tenth round is loaded as tracer, so i kind of have my doubts with this in the opening to sequences? I mean, there is a big discrepancy between the "carbashing" scene and the first scenes (especially the redglowing "swarming" seems like there is more tracers than usual in there. Can anyone lighten me up ?

6,000 rounds per minute. . .

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At 6000RPM (rounds per minute), a stream of rounds would make it look like a solid stream of fire. Back during 'Nam, they mounted a GAU 2B in a C-47 as the first every gunship. It was nicknamed Puff (as in The Magic Dragon) and was aptly named and the VC and NVA hated it.

This is a picture of the minigun fired from a Spectre in Afhanistan.


Gotta love it.


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Thanks for the quick response, i was already informed on the firepower, but my question w was rather aimed at the point that they seem to load LESS tracers than i previously thought, because everywhere i see it is a "quite slow" rythm of trace whereas the "every tenth a tracer" information i took for granted rather puts it at par with the opening "wall of tracer" scene :-)

WhiteKnight, may it be that the photo is not working ?

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