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updated VBS Core Module - v1.081

Pave Low

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The official updated Core Module is separate to the game engine (v1.99) and all VBS1 user must ensure they have got the latest version to minimise problems running VBS1:


This is the latest version of VBS_Core.pbo. All users should download this file and copy it to:

<vbs installation folder>\dta


Version 1.081 fixes a tiny bug that inserted a null value into the VBS_vehs array on missions with no vehicles.

Version 1.08 will reduce lag during the first few seconds of large missions.

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I kept getting terrible "jerking/stuttering" in the game every 10-20 seconds and after 5-10 minutes (usually when I exited a vehicle or building or turned around fast) it would completely freeze the PC so I could only press the reset button to reboot it.

I tried all the usual stuff; lowering the resolution, changing the distance, lowering the textures to lowest setting but nothing seemed to have any affect :wall: .

then I came across a post that mentioned the "core update" so I tracked it down and loaded it and voilà�! it cured all my problems :D VBS1 now runs fantastic on maximum settings :drool:

If you haven't updated this file, I urge you to do it now :thumbsup:

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