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SCRIPTER NEEDED for Op:Desperate Cry


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Various circumstances force me to post this "cry for help". My Stalker V1 - Operation Desperate Cry mod is the the middle phase of scripting. Some missions are already done but there's still a bunch of missions left.

At the moment there are 3 scripters working on the campaign, me, Giwex and blakarion. Real life and other reasons keep us busy and the progress is not really that fast.

Going on with this speed will push the release date back.

Now I need YOU:

Have you already made missions for yourself or other mods? Then here's your chance to work on a huge Total Conversion including content from various high talented modders. (Hint: click the above link ;) )

Reply to this thread and/or send me a privat message if you're interested. The Operation: Desperate Cry team will appreciate this.

Some of you may ask now: How many missions should I script when I'm hired?

You will script about 2 missions. :)

Experienced scripters are preferred but probably new ones will get a chance too. :)

~Stalker, Giwex, blakarion. :)

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At first I want to thank you all that offered their help. I really didn't expect so many volunteers.

I have 2 people in my mind, I sent them a pm and now waiting for their replies. They were the first ones. If something goes wrong I will contact the next.

@richmondskin: The campaign layout is already finished and connected to a story. But thanks anyway :)

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well, i'm good @ scripting and mission makin, i could help alot.  the only reason that i dont have any submissions is because mod packaging is still a mystery 2 me. :(

If it's just mission mods you have you can usually just put them into a compressed zip file and email them to who ever wants them. Igor mission mod files are usually in the kb range in size.
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