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  • 4 months later...

Word to the wise; the game is cool enough on its own, but third-party addons really make the difference. It really does look like a new game. See the screenshot threads for some cool addons.

Edited by 2nd Ranger
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Good choice!

Grab Resistance, a microphone, and Team Speak, then come play with us.

cool... just hold on till i get my copy.. £9.99 in uk i heard.. 'll check my nearest store.. My tutor was a bit stingy saying he hasnt got a copy to make me a copy lol.. But i know he has.. :yes:

When i was playing my G.R habbits woudlnt leave me .. I was tryna find the peak keys.... "Q" and "E" This is not peak !!! lol .. DOH!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is what I consider to be the ultimate source for upgrades to OFP:


This doesn't include new characters and units, the focus here is improving the appearance, sounds, etc.

Right off the bat, I recommend ECP and EECP. When the latest EECP comes out I plan to reinstall OFP and play the CWC campaign again. EECP is a unit replacement mod that uses ECP effects, so you can replay original campaigns with all new weapons, vehicles, soldiers, effects, etc.

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  • 1 year later...

IMO OFP is far superior to GR. Don't take this the wrong way, I absolutely love GR, and the Frostbite and YOTM mods were real nice, but OFP was just so much more of an experience to me.

GR was incredible when I first started it, but once I explored the boundaries of each map, the sense of adventure quickly disappeared, and it became boring rather quickly. Add the predictable AI, and the fact that you can complete each mission with just one character on the Elite settting pretty much seals the fate of GR falling into one of those games where too much familiarity breeds contempt. Also, a lack of accurate ballistics, the annoying and tired old reticle system, too many hard barriers, the inablility to step off of an edge, inability to climb mountains, stupid friendly AI that don't know how to use an AT round to hit armour, poor squad commands, inability to command and individual squad member, and the list goes on and on. I could literally go all day on what GR lacks.

I know that OFP graphics are not the best, and initially I was put off by them, but I always run any game at least half way through the campaign before making a judgement, and with OFP it really only became better and better as I ran it. In the end I forgot about the graphics altoghether. OFP is the only game that upon the conclusion of the campaign, I felt like I had just finished an epic adventure.

Definitely the best game ever IMO.

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