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Capture the Island

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Hi guys,

Played a few missions last night on the server. Thanks to En4rcment, Ranger and Mac.

Have any of you guys played CTI - Capture the Island? If not, here's an explanation to (hopefully) wet your appetite. This is going to be lengthy, but this game has so much that I can't really be short lol. Oh and just to make sure you read all the words, Microsoft will donate .50p for each word you read and then send you a cheque!! - not :nono: hehe


Capture the Island can be played either cooperatively, against the AI or TvT. Your side is randomly spawned somewhere on the island and you start out with the Mobile Command Unit (MCU), and a 5 tonne. One of the players is the Commander, and he controls the building of your base, and also controls the AI that are left if all the player slots are not taken.

Once you spawn in, your first objective is to find a place to set up your base. Once you have selected your desired location, you must then get to it (avoiding towns that may have resistance fighters in it). Now from your base location the actions starts.

Base Commander

Typically at Team Element, we will assign a field command to plan the take over of towns whilst the base commander builds the base. So, at your base location, the base commander will begin to place the structures. Through the Build Menu, he has options including;

Barracks - Buy troops and weapons here (Upgradeable)

Control Centre - Allows upgrades of most buildings and radar

Light vehicle factory - Buy trucks, jeeps, vulcans, etc (Upgradeable)

Heavy vehicle factory - But Tanks, Bradleys, etc (Upgradeable)

Aircraft factory - Helo's and A10's

Ammo depot

Repair depot

Various base defences.

Some planning and logic is required to build a good, defendable base. As you can see, there's a fair amount for the base commander to do (and he also needs to command any AI commanders). So whilst he's busy doing all this, the other players don't get to loaf around and drink tea and munch cucumber sandwhiches, No - they get to go out and kick ass.

So field command will choose the strategy and make sure everyone gets what they need to assault the towns. Usually you'll load a 5 tonne up with law's and extra ammo. You'll buy AI from the barracks, and if they have been upgraded, you can then get different units (like snipers, spec ops, AA and AT). Each player (including base commander) can assign 11 AI to himself, commandable in the usual way (F2 - F12, etc).

Once you have taken your first town, you may wish to fortify it. Since you are limited in the amount of AI, you need to be choosy on where you deploy. Usually this will be a natural choke point, or a heavily contested town. Wherever it is, you need to have two things available to you - the Ammo truck and the Repair truck.

The repair truck allows you to build defences anywhere on the map, as long as you're in its radius, or zone. This means you need to bring the repair truck up quite close to where you wish to deploy. From here you can put up MG emplacements and other things. It really depends on what CTI you're running as to what you can deploy. The repair truck can also be used to repair damaged vehicles.

The ammo truck simply allows all vehicles to rearm, and gun emplacements too. Also the players can re-arm here as well.

You start off taking towns defended by the resistance, but eventually a time will come when you meet the Opfor. Sometimes they find your base quickly, and then send waves of tanks your way, other times you seem to battle over one town.

The objective of the game is to find the enemy base and destroy it. By taking towns, you gain resources (money) with which you can buy vehicles and soldiers. Use your AI to defend the towns, and send out scouts to locate the enemy base. Once you have it located, call in a mortar strike, or assault en mass with tanks. However you do it, your first priority is the enemy MCU - take this out and they can no longer spawn workers to rebuild the base, they also cannot build anymore structures. From there you then need to destroy all the buildings and you've won.

OK, well that's the basic premise of the game, though it hardly does it justice as an explanation. Games typically last between 2-4 hours, so it really needs to be a scheduled event. If anyone here would like to participate, I notice that there are 2 CTI's on the server, maybe we can get a game going this weekend?

Due to very limited documentation, the Base Commander's role is a little complicated. I've only really got to grips with it these last few weeks we've been playing over at TG. If anyone wants a heads-up, I'll be happy to go through it with anyone that is interested. If we can get a few seasoned base commanders, we could then try out a TvT - 9v9 which could be great fun.

This really is a great mod. If I was to say what was the best mod for OFP, it would have to be this one. You get to span the entire island, plan your moves, defend your base - it really does have so much in it.

So get your rear in gear and sign up now! :o=



Edited by Jex
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