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the MP server list

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Since we have just a few here at GR.Net that have VBS1 thought I'd add in the details for MP for VBS1.

There are two Dedi Servers for VBS1 right now. There are both in Europe.

Server location: Southern Germany


port: 2323

Server location: Copenhagen

port:default =2302

Note: Dedi Servers operate on Sockets implementation. There are plans for a Australian Server to once again be operational early next year. As current there are no dedi American Servers to my knowledge.

And Finally my little Server....

Port 2302

Implementation is directplay...as opposed to Sockets. If u want any more details my MSN ID is Basil_2004@hotmail.com

Note if u need VBS1 Missions apart from ones shown on VBS Resources Site contact me I have a few lying about for use...

And finally Voice Comms. Teamspeak 2 is used.

Edited by Pave Low
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  • 4 weeks later...

another one for the list:


Here it is.........

VBS1 server: All Official addons included no access pass


p4 3.0Ghz, Hyper Threading, 1024MB on a 100Mbit -> 1Gig UK backbone Line

TS is

All Welcome

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WTE - 4th Eagle Recon Company VBS1 server.

[New IP - See post further down for new details]

Location: WA Australia

All current addons

The server will be open to the public most of the time and all are welcome to join. There will be occasions when it is passworded for unit activity and training. Use the "#vote missions" command to bring up missions list, or "#vote admin" an admin and have them choose the missions.

Edited by Pave Low
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We are so proud to announce that we had a 24/7 dedi up and running in U.S.A.

Our server is hosted at Server Matrix in Dallas TX.

Our box is a Dell Poweredge 400SC running 3.2GHz HT 1024MB

IP is

Feel free to jump in for some games.

Red Sector.inc (www.red-sector.com)

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Xtreme Defence Force VBS1 Dedicated Server.

IP number:

Port number: 2302

Method: Sockets

Location of server: South Australia

TS IP: mercury.gamingsa.com:8778

New Australian VBS1 dedicated server.

The server is open to the public so please feel free to jump on for a game whenever you like fellas.

If you are the first one on go ahead and vote yourself as admin and start selecting missions:

#Vote admin [username]



Also if you have any questions regarding the server or if you have missions you would like to submit to be uploaded to the server please contact us via our forums at:


Or contact myself via email or MSN Messenger at:


Seeya on the server fellas!

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