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The GRNET Competition will probably tie up T_1 and myself until about 0030 GMT :ph34r: (mission is from 2300 - 0000 and there will be a post mission celebration/debrief)

I've put the desert map and Sart's mission (#2) on the server so will be all ready for us once we get done competing.

I've left the server on Shilka hunt #2, but feel free to play any of the "old" missions till we get there :P

@2nd Ranger, if ya want to e-mail me mission #1, I'll upload it on the box asap, so we can try 1+2 tonight :drool:

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Okay... As long as I got the GMTs and mods right, I should be there...

Every mod in the first Mod thread post, right?

EDIT: No mic. I'm pretty fast with typing, though... It's worked for me so far.

Edited by sup
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Not every mod, I can't edit that post anymore.

Mods should be as follows

JAM magazines

BAS Delta/Ranger

BAS Blackhawks

BAS Littlebirds

Central Afghanistan

Islamic Resistance

FK Humvee pack

MFCTI1.16 editor update

Editor update 102

Combat! HMMWV pack v1.1

Radio Tower addon

COMBAT! M113 pack


US Marine Assault pack

Middle-Eastern resistance

VIT APC pack 1.4 Full

LSR Delta

LSR Rangers

LSR Weapon pack 1.25

HyK US Modern Infantry

Zwa Desert Everon

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