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The Screenshot Thread

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Some great games last night. And MS finally managed to join them!


That's me standing up next to our BRDM, my legs mangled after crashing into a rock which I maintain was NOT THERE. Pave is up on the rock ehind the vehicle covering, and the mangled legs on the bottom right belong to Sart or MS.


Pave on the right, me with the RPG and an AI in the background after our assault on an enemy outpost in the Nogova desert.


Marine Sniper, aka Magnum P.I.


Me on the left, Sart on the right, and Pave in the middle drooling over the ZU23M.


Pave on yet another heavy weapon with me and Sart behind.


Me on the right, Pave in the background on the left painting the SU25 with the LD and scoring a direct hit. Get some!


Me about to play chicken with Prozac in UAZs.

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I remember we were talking about that UKF british units DPM pack last week, so I figured I'd post a few shots of the latest version.





And a couple I am posting because they're purdy. The first one is the Russkies doing that thing Sart was talking about when you load them into an APC.



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Also decided to check out the BAS 'Tonal' island, their magnum opus.





All in all, I think it's too ambitious. It would be a great map if it didn't have so much stuff on it. If they had made two versions, a jungle and a desert, instead of trying to have both, it would have been better for all the people with mediocre systems like mine.

I think it would have been great like that, considering that the map itself is breathtaking. The problem is, you forget about all that once you try to play. I put about thirty bad guys into one of the towns and the mission ran like a bad dream, and it only stopped skipping and locking up once I'd killed everybody.

Another reason for making two seperate islands would be to bring down the filesize. 112 megs isn't exactly average for an OFP map. I'd have been happy with the desert version at about 40-50 odd megs (Afghanistan was 44), but like I said, the authors were too ambitious, and the result is a very nice map that would only run well on my machine if I doubled my processor speed and RAM. It's a shame, really.

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@supa: yeah, that chain of command mod looks interesting. For those of you who haven't seen it, check it out here:


@2r: I don't think I've downloaded the tonali map yet but have been meaning to do so. I guess one of us could always figure out how to use Oxygen and edit the map into two separate maps.


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Checked it out, only thing that really interests me is the artillery. I could do without the command stuff, I prefer working in small teams.

I downloaded the BAS 'Tonali Special Forces' for use on the Tonali map, but obviously you can use them anywhere you want.

These guys are supposed to be Eastern-European mercenaries under the employ of the Tonali government. These are some shots from a battle with the BAS OPFOR - Tonali rebels and militia.





The models are nice, and they use the Russian naval infantry weapons, converted to work with JAM. They come in Woodland, desert and jungle versions. I'm not sure, but I don't think you can download the OPFOR seperately as you can with these units, which is a shame because the OPFOR guys are nicely done and come with armed UAZ jeeps and their own BMP.

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I was making another LD mission today, and it struck me that the LGBs aren't very impressive unless they're blowing up a vehicle or something else that explodes nicely. So I decided to check out the Tomahawk addon for the CoC artillery pack.

Painting the target involves a command process coded into the game logic, so all you need to do is place the required logic and the tomahawk launcher, no external scripting.

You lase the target, request a fire mission, select your artillery piece/missile platform (if there are multiples), set yourslef as the commander of that platform, set the type of ordnance you want to use, transmit the target's position with the laser, then call in the strike. The results are not unimpressive.




The warheads available are the WDU-25 regular high-explosive TLAM warhead (the one I used), and another variant that disperses clusterbombs. I haven't yet tried out the tactical nuke.

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  • 2 weeks later...

From our outing's tonight

Off we go


With the MK19 they won't know what's hit them


But we'll let the other team lead just in case


..... They must have heard us coming


Hows the other Crew


Low flying Ambulance


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Bitchin' games last night. Unfortunately I took my most interesting screens before I realised I wasn't running the screenshot utility. But anyhoo;

Sart and T, having a sit down after destroying what has become known as 'The Evil Shilka'.


T looking around for Russkies to smite with his kickass 240B, after we cleared the first objective.


T again, sporting the mighty 203 that took down The Evil Shilka.


Haha, nice shot of that ambulance. That damn thing - It still wouldn't stop even after being hit with numerous grenade rounds and a magazine of 5.56. Took an AA gun to stop it.

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Now THESE are the kind of custom faces I'd like to have.


Found that over at this forum


That's a loooong thread full of amazing OFP/VBS shots. I almost had a heart attack when I saw some of them, particularly the ones from the Enduring Freedom mod.

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