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OFP Coop dedi server - [OFFLINE]

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Server IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

Server Port#: xxxx

Server Password: xxxx

Server Version #: 1.96 (Resistance)

Server Game Type: COOP

Required add ons: Check out the Mod Downloads, Get em here thread for the ones required and D/L links for em

Missions in Play List:

Gulf of Aden - MP Campaign
    Mission 01 - Desert Shield
    Mission 02 - Copper Snake
    Mission 03 - Silver Gates
    Mission 04 - Frontline
    Mission 05 - Zero Hour

*more to come*

    *and to fast join the server direct from a desktop shortcut (read this thread) here is the target path:
    ~ FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE -nosplash -connect=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -port=xxxxx -password=xxxxx

Enjoy :thumbsup:

Edited by Pave Low
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Yep, It's on a proper dedicated server in a US data-centre, so it's up 24/7.

Yes it's set to Sockets (as per the best practise from the OFP people).

*I've got it running some of the missions we've been playing recently, so should really be played with 2or3 others but I've left the AI on.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Guys,

You might want to try these, I found them over at the BI forums. Please see the link below and follow the discussion about it.






compared to our old setup




what is odd is the maxsize commands we usually left out, and as soon as i double thier #'s we got 50 FPS on our Win2kAS server

some really wierd changes took place as well, the AI player skipping (when IA seems to lag) totally disapeared, but the out put per player went from 30-80 kb to 170kbs, i watched the out put on the server and compared it to the Input on my machine and it was 170kb, so now in a major CTI game 8vs8 we should break 4000-5000 kbs in theory, but OFP has all ways choked it self

we'll be runnign a few 9vs9 CTIs on our server to test all day today and will post the out puts from the server




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Server is OFFLINE

I recently ended the lease of the Dallas server and the rental period has finished and I have now taken the Flashpoint session down.

I have transferred all the addons and missions over to my server in London.

Given the low usage of the OFP session on the Dallas server (due primarily to the large number of addons required) I will not be running OFP as a full-time session.

I will instead put an OFP session up from time to time for "Flashpoint Weekends" and details of these will be posted as individual special events here in the OFP game room forum (and will use as few addons as possible).

The London server is running VBS1 full-time and a number of other great games in rotation.

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