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operation flash point is like nothing else i know of..... other then VBS1

it is in its own genre (IMO) and one that needs to be reintroduced ([OFP: DR] hopefully)

If you have broadband and Messenger add me to your contacts... ill go in game and record some gameplay video for u to take a look at and send it your way.

Edited by Prozac360
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The demo is a good place to start but you should be able to pick up the full Game of the Year Edition (Operation Flashpoint + Gold Pack Addon + Resistance Addon) for a song. I purchased mine recently for $7.99 USD at a local retailer here in the States. You can also find it at Amazon.com or on ebay as well as at a number of online retailers. Here's the best deal I've seen so far (other than mine) is $19.99 USD at www.gogamer.com.


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