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Insurgency Mod


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Have you guys heard the sound files? :blink:

If you have an awesome soundcard, do yourself a favor and d/l this and this

Close your eyes.

Hmmm, makes you wanna buy HL2 now doesn't it?  :yes:

Please update us as often as possible Spear.


I had not heard those before, thanks.

Well they sounded... INTENSE! :o=

I hope they release video to go along with those. :D

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Wow, for a thread that was started in 2003, this really needs some activity.

Insurgency feels like CS 2 to me. I like it but i think it's too focused on intense fire fights allll the time. If feels more frantic than even cs to me.

I guess thats what it's like in Iraq now but im sure there is some skanking around and quiet times. I do like the mod but i cant see me playing it for a long peried of time.

The mouse control is unwieldly but at least you can go prone and set up the tripod on the support guns which i like.

Not bad at all for a first release. Wish it had some more open spaces though.

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I just checked it out and it really is awesome, totally worth downloading HL2 again. Totally loving it, I sure will stick to it in the future!

Thanks for the heads-up on that great mod!

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  • 5 years later...

I hope you don't mind this epic bump, and a little self-promotion, but it's for a good reason...

I started this thread nearly a decade ago during the earliest stages of a mod project that today, is a game you can play on Steam.

Insurgency is nearly a decade in the making.

I hope you check it out because, as mentioned in a recent Polygon interview:

The kinds of shooters from major publishers that focused on teamwork — tactical titles like Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six, Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear and Rainbow Six: Ghost Recon [sic], all of which Spearin counts among his favorites — seemed to go in a different direction, a path Spearin believes was influenced by a desire to simplify the experience for console players.

This game is how I hoped the original Ghost Recon would have evolved - instead of the direction it took with GR2 and GRAW and GR:FS.

If you're a fan of the old school Clancy games, definitely have a look at Insurgency.

Here's a video that SideStrafe created, interviewing me as he plays:

Edited by Spear
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  • 1 year later...

I haven't posted in quite a while here but I wanted to say that I gave Insurgency a go and IMHO it's the best co-op military shooter since Ghost Recon.

It's hard to tell from many of the videos posted because experienced players who've played the maps 8,000 times tend to move very fast...as they already know every possible detail about them. As such, it doesn't look nearly as tactical (or enjoyable) as it really is. But that's PvP...something I never play.

But this game has co-op and in cooperative mode, this game has the framework to be as methodical, tactical and co-operative as you want. I think the biggest key to the success of this game is the AI. Finally, a game where the AI is a worthy and even impressive opponent. When you deathcam after dying in Bot Training, you can watch the AI flank, clear buildings, use cover for reloads and more. They'll even stop, backup and flank to come around an enemy unsuspected. This is where I found out just how good the game is. With AI mates against and AI enemy force, I've experienced what EASILY has to be the best AI-based firefights of any co-op military game I've played. And to drive that point home, it's probably the first game where, many times, after I was killed by the AI, I didn't scream "bull****" - meaning the game is simply playing God, but I died because I'm fighting a competent enemy.

Many people may never play this game simply because the models and visuals remind them of CounterStrike. Yes, this game is also based on the Source Engine. To that I say, so what? We all know that gameplay reigns over graphics. There are three co-op modes. IMHO, the best game modes are reserved for PvP. What's odd is that you can play these PvP-type game modes in Bot Training against AI. So why not in-game? I'm going to try and contact the company about this.

I can tell that this game does many things right. Many people, myself included, end up saying that there's something about this game that makes it feel more "real" than any other military shooter they've played. So there you go. Give it a try. It's very affordable and on Steam. The fact that I consider Ghost Recon to be the best shooter game ever made might add a little weight to this post. I'm an extremely finicky gamer. Very few games have provided good co-op military gaming since GR. Why all the fanboyism? Because I think I've waited about a decade to get this feeling again in a game.

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"Do you ever play it with friends?"

Absolutely!... by far the best way to play. This game is completely integrated into the Steam Community environment so communication with friends and setting up games is very, very easy. There's a decent server browser as well. With Steam, you get statuses on all your friends...buddy is offline, buddy is in menu, buddy is in game XXXXXXX, buddy is arguing with his wife about how much time he spends gaming, etc.

I'm doing my first from-scratch PC build in about 7 years. Going to use my current PC as an Insurgency dedicated server hopefully. The game does not have non-dedicated hosting like GR.

The game many touches in an attempt at greater game "realism":

- no HUD

- you only respawn when your team achieves a goal

- no magic magazine refills. when you swap mags, the new mag you get is whatever one has the most bullets left in it.

- any bullet (from friend or foe) tbat whizzes close to you blurs your vision. This is the game's implementation of "suppression".

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