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New Map (Inner City)


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Ok, I've scrapped the durango map. I didn't like it and was getting above my level of map understanding. Here is my new map:

MapName: Innercity


Map Location: South Ossetian region

This map is currently about 325m x 325m.

I've included alot of alleyways for movement, see the first picture for a detail of the sidewalks. the next one is of everything from the user perspective. I'm about 40% complete. This will be a map designed for Team vs Team games and firefights. I've tried to set this map up to be a balanced map not giving too much advantage to one team.

The buildings with the black edges are my damaged buildings from the effects of war. I'm also adding more vehicles for cover and concealment. I've used the truck from the sample castle map. I've used alot of non GR textures. I'm happy with this map as it is so far. Alot left to do. The lighting isn't even done so that will make a difference as well. Yes I did this all myself...no help.

Just the sidewalks overhead view

render of all

above view everything



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Looking real good m8. Just a note, blocks texture is repeating a bit too much. Why not increase it to 400x400 and create some central area like park or square? Would be fun for some hamburger hill. At this point looks too narrow and tight.

Keep up the good work! :thumbsup:

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@ Zeko..There is a park to the extreme south, the gravel lot in the middle maybe a good siege point. I'm getting close to 400x400 meters. I have one long alley near the west of the map, good sniper hide looking toward the bank (see picture above"north alley looking south to bank"), Also Night shot 2 above is of the longest street 300m long.

Hope that helps your concerns

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Looks good so far Papa, but why did you drop the durango map?? I think it was starting to get better, so what was your actual problems there?? You got me on icq so you are free to ask questions day and night! With some lighting and some more details though, this map is maybe more interesting. Not to many good city maps have been made.

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@Lexis, sure. Could use some pictures of building facades to replace some of my lackluster ones.

@Alpha Biro- Durango was a failure from the start. You see, I found that urban maps are much easier to build, make your building, slap the texture on...on to the next item... Durango or wilderness maps IMHO, have alot more things to think about the ++ tagging of trees. Hell I'm really trying to grasp how to unwrap UVW on my items, hence the problems with my barrels in one of the above pictures. haven't figured it out yet. I'm going to photoshop up a rust texture and slap it on my barrels..simple yet effective.

This will be my first decent map I've ever made. I want to see it through to the end. I love this map dearly as it has been real fun making it. I'm going to litter the streets with litter / objects of a war torn environment.

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I have to say, this could be 10x better with just large texture resolutions and Im afraid to say but for the best models etc you need to spend a lot of time working on diffrent textures and models etc. I spent hours and hours working on all the custom textures for my Starship Troopers Fort and Im sure Deleyt spent hours on textures for WSV. Time is the key.

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map looks like it has great potential papa6, keep at it man. can't wait for this one. i have some new urban digital camo skins to use on a good urban map.

and chems that base looks unbelievable man. i hope you plan to finish the starship troopers mod.

Edited by XE_Joker
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Nice 1st try for an urban map. Too bad for Durango (still got it?, maybe one day you will pick it up again).

Chems is right about wall-textures, use bigger ones so it won't lose much detail when tiled.

It's a small map (I think), I mean little open spaces, so I think it's useless to make a mission with a helicopter. I say this because all roofs have same textures as walls.

The more detail the better :

- things on the ground you'll find in real cities too: cans, papers, (dogsjit !) etc.

- I like rainpipes along the walls, see WSV and Cartel for examples.

- mailboxes, telephones etc.

- cables going from one buidling to another (in air, over street).

- maybe some shops with neon-lights (just textures).

- birds sitting on edge of roof.

I myslef made about 5 maps now, but all not finished (even thrown away most of em), because some weren't real 'GR-maps', other too tough, others too simple. I'm working on one (urban map too) but think it's only a MP-game type map. It has no locations to use for in missions. So I'm planning another map (woodland, my favourite!) with a more GR-feeling.

Anyway GL on this one.

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Is that suppose to be a peaceful or a war-torn map? If it's peaceful, I agree with San

- things on the ground you'll find in real cities too: cans, papers, (dogsjit !) etc.

- I like rainpipes along the walls, see WSV and Cartel for examples.

- mailboxes, telephones etc.

- cables going from one buidling to another (in air, over street).

- maybe some shops with neon-lights (just textures).

- birds sitting on edge of roof.

but if it isn't, i still agree with him, but make em look like it. the environment in "Embassy" is OK, but the textures are too clean. The buildings should be a little bit, um, dusty. WW2 maps from most other games are often the best examples (of textures used).

Edit: That map has a great potential, papa6.

Edited by V2_Bloodline
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Tell you what Joker, I've got 4 versions of the map, Night, Dusk, Day and Rainy. I'll send you the map and you can add your skins to the mod if you'd like too.

I'm looking for some new textures for those aweful buildings textures now in place.

I'll add my weapons I made to this thing too.


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The map looks great. Although I more of a woody map lover than one of an urban setting, I will be sure to d/l the final. I agree with everyone's posts so far. If I may I have some suggestions:

Make it more of a wartime setting with dusty buildings, empty bullet cases on the streets, lots of litter, etc. But don't make it look bombed out like the embassy. Maybe some military style roadblocks. Of course have some electrical/phone lines between buildings. And maybe make staircases to buildings roofs so a helicopter can maybe land on (be great for scripted missions).

I'm not a map modder so I don't know how hard this would be, just keep up the excellent work. ;)

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