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First Person Weapon Perspective Mods?


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I posted this over on the Ubi GR fourms but there seems to be a lot more going on here and a lot more knowledgable people posting/responding.

I played Ghost Recon when it first arrived for a couple months and let it languish so I'm not really up to date on what has happened in the GR mod scene or what's possible (hence my UI/HUD post)...

So, has anyone attempted, or is anyone attempting a first person perspective weapon mod, or is this even possible?

I remember early on reading remarks like: 'the engine just isn't capable of doing this', and/or 'the weapon models are of such low poly, texture resolution and lack LOD that they would only offer a very ugly first person weapon perspective'...

What's really the case? I know a lot of peoplel love the love the GR 'interface' but if anyone with some deep Ghost Recon mod experience knows the facts I'd sure appreciate your taking the time to set the record straight as far as FPWP.


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Search the forums you'll find a number of topics about this already...but basically the game does not support a 3d model being present on the screen...any attempts at making a FPWV were done by making custom rets which included a model...a static model... that does nothing but take up space and look pretty.

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Hmmm... Ghost Recon does seem to support camera views though, as there's no real mod source I don't supposed it can be messed with but positioning a camera on the players models head could give a very realistic first person perspective; GR2 in fact uses this method for the 'new' over the shoulder 3rd person perspective...

As far as the '...does nothing but take up space and look pretty...' remark I have to disagree, strongly; a first person weapon can and does add a lot more to a game then a mere aesthetic obstruction.... Even on that count different weapons are large bulky (can you say OICW) and are in fact visually cumbersome weapons...

Taking things to the next level with ironsights, weapon models take on real and scale value in game design as the design of the weapons sights, its mass and stability as an aiming platform, handling characteristic, and vection (aimed and unaimed movement) can all be made to scale and realistically reflect real weapon aiming machinery and weapon handling much more immersively then full screen attack aircraft reticules, reload clocks, and accuracy meters.

Edited by Hoak
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he means by it does nothing but look pretty..meaning its just a model..no muzzle flash no brass ejection shown and so on also the ret doesnt move its pretty much pasted on there.

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To clarify, there is no way to achieve a true 1st person weapon in GR. Some of us were fiddling around with it in mid/late 2002, but none of us really saw alot of use for it. Unlike RvSh, America's Army, OFP, etc, the limited view we were able to achieve literally did nothing. No muzzle flash, no animations, nothing. Not even a true 3d view.

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Hiya Orbarth

Nice looking M249 reticle there buddy ;)

Not sure if it help you in any way but here's a link to my reticle page and mod.....may be of some interest to you mate.

My Reticles Page



I can't believe i never saw your custom reticles before.

Shame on me to have not seen those great reticle work !

Thanks a lot for the link DVS1, i will have a very good use of all of them to replace the GR "crosshairs" for each weapons.


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Yes, i am testing a wound mod

It is your wounds mod actually, sup :) (i think i have some other wound files mixed with it, but i do not remember their origin)

Great work , i like it

Thank you.

I think that the Photoshopped image you have up there could be made into a ret... If we had the image of the gun, then we could make it into a 1024 res. ret.

Then we'd just need to edit the alpha layer, (for transparency) and put it in game...

I think. :(

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Yes, i am testing a wound mod

It is your wounds mod actually, sup :) (i think i have some other wound files mixed with it, but i do not remember their origin)

Great work , i like it

Thank you.

I think that the Photoshopped image you have up there could be made into a ret... If we had the image of the gun, then we could make it into a 1024 res. ret.

Then we'd just need to edit the alpha layer, (for transparency) and put it in game...

I think. :(

No you can't because it won't work in all resolutions..... Stay at max 512x512 (even though that doesn't really work with 640x480).

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Wow Orbarth nice, and DVS1 outstanding! That's really neet stuff...

Why wouldn't it be possible to add to shader/texture based images for unaimed and aimed perspective of an entire weapon?


sure, shaded/ textured, whatever, but not for aimed and unaimed. that aint happening i dont think. wait until GR2, until then, static reticules will have to do....

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