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Ahhh...Delta Force or DEVGRU at the practice range, very nice!

Neither. Army Special Forces ;)

Whisper44 is right. I was going through the archive and this is what is said on this page.

PhotoID: 20046237959

Submitted by: 24th MEU




A Marine from the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit's Force Reconnaissance Platoon fires two rounds at a designated target called out by an instructor during a live-fire shoot at Camp Lejeune's Dodge City range June 17.

While roughly half of the MEU has already departed, the remaining elements are making final preparations before leaving for Iraq early next month.

Photo by: Sgt. Zachary A. Bathon

More pics can be found here.

I know the guy instructing and I know the shooter and I am telling you that's not the Marines. Those guys are from A Company, 1/5th SF. This crap happens all the time. There is a pic of SEALs on the Navy.mil website as they ride a Zodiac up in the back of a MH-47 doing a delta queen - it's actually SF guys. The uniforms, equipment and haircuts alone should have been some clue.

I'm sorry, this was up a really long time ago, but i'm a bit confused, aren't these guys in 24th MEU Force Recon, usmc.mil, Just curious

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Mate, didn't you read what Hatchetforce said?  The helmet and DA Trauma vest are pretty solid indicators that the guy is SF.  Of course, the fact that a SF operator told us that the guys are SF is even better.

Alright, my bad, I just thought the marpat issue boots and the 1911 meu might've meant something else...nm.

good stuff on this forum btw!

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...and death on a box.


Is there any chance you could get more pictures of it Hatchet? pretty please? I'd love to make a model out of it so a straight, high res side on shot'd be really nice... please :whistle:WOW! :blink: that's one of the nicest rifles i've seen.

also, what kinda stuff goes on the rails? oh ya, and could we have more pics of that m24 please?

Thanks Hatchet. For posting all this and putting up with the requests. :thumbsup:

Edited by JTF-2
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The scope seems to be the same as in the with Scope/without Scope Pics Hatchetforce posted somewhere on this forum ( :unsure: don't know where in the forum anymore but they were in front of some Hills, kind of a demonstration or something), but there is one thing, the opening on the "exit" side opens to the upper side of the scope, whereas on his previous pic the exit side is opened to the right.

So my question is :Since it seems you can turn it into other positions than this,

is it a piece that is of double use or does it just close the scope ?

or, if you would like, why can you turn the scope end like this, it seems to have enough buttons ? :unsure:

(have to admit i never seen no kind of scope other than on a photo :whistle:)


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