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Tank Movements and ATI CARDS


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K after banging my head against the keyboard prefusely in a vain attempt to figure out why my Tanks in my missions where being extremly uncooperative.I was given a link that led me to believe this was a ATI graphics card Issue.

It was indeed a graphics problem but no so much with the card but the settings.

All of those who are using an ATI card may have noticed that by Turning off the "Wait for Vertical Sync" in your cards Direct3D Properties, vastly improves frame rate in game, I was getting upto 500fps at times.

This is the problem that is causing my Tanks to misbehave.I have reset my "Wait for Vertical Sync" to Application Preference.This has now cured the problem and my tanks are now blissfully roaming my missions wasting all who get in their way.

As Stimpy would say "Oh Joy!!"

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