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Dialer on DSL??


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10 minutes ago my dsl connection was disabled and I couldnt enable it again... so I took a look in the system manual under DFÜ-network and there was a "EXDIALER" next to my SpeedTouchDSL Connection icon.

I deleted the EXDIALER immediately then I restarted my pc and now all is ok.

now here're my questions:

1.) I've heard that it is impossible to have a dialer on dsl.. but I got one....

2.) Is it enough to delete only the icon or do I have to delete more?

Stalker :angry:

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Even if you deleted the dialer icon, the dialer is still installed. It should be part of the installation of the DSL software. It is what connects you to the internet. I have WinPoet and it has it's own dialer called WrDialer. Do not remove it unless you wish to reinstall all of your DSL software.

The reboot reset everything to allow you to reconnect.

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Even if you deleted the dialer icon, the dialer is still installed. It should be part of the installation of the DSL software. It is what connects you to the internet. I have WinPoet and it has it's own dialer called WrDialer. Do not remove it unless you wish to reinstall all of your DSL software.

The reboot reset everything to allow you to reconnect.

what about when you set up your net account to always be connected?

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Were you surfing some rather nefarious sites today? Who makes your DSL software? I would be checking it out.

I did some searches at google... I think I got the dialer there...

Do you have any AV software

yes, Norton AV 2003

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