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Questions about the kits


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Actually , when i play my weapons selections mod , i noticed that for the not-specialists Ghosts , i have tons of kits now.

My goal is to make my own kits selections with weapons (and equipments) -i only like to use- (from default or mods) and removing from the weapons kits selection all those kits i dont want to use for several reason (weapons i dont like mostly).

That way , it will clean up the number of kits on the selection for me and display only what i want , speeding the whole selection process by the way.

But , as for the mod weapons , i can delete easily the unwanted kit files , i think that for the default weapons i want to keep or drop , i will have to delete some origmiss/mp1/mp2 kits files.

As i never play online, i do not have to worry about files compatibility with missing kits.

Before going in my delete files crazyness, i have a question.

Does some AI in missions use the kits located in the Kits folder as rifleman8.kits , demolitions18.kits etc..) , that could lead me in problem if i delete those Ghost used kits while the enemy used it sometime.

Or does the enemy AI use only those specific kits defined in the Equip folder of Orgmiss/Mp1/Mp2 ("opposing forces1.kit", "ak47 and cigarette.kit" as an exemple), this way i could delete the files i want in the Kits folder without having problems, as i will not touch the Equip folder kits.

Thanks for any hints.

Edited by Orbarth
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Does some AI in missions use the kits located in the Kits folder as rifleman8.kits , demolitions18.kits etc..)

I don't think so.

Or does the enemy AI use only those specific kits defined in the Equip folder of Orgmiss/Mp1/Mp2 ("opposing forces1.kit", "ak47 and cigarette.kit" as an exemple)

I think so.

But the best thing is, is to make your own mod-folder :

- Copy the actor-folder with ATR-files to your mod.

- Edit the kit-folder in the ATR-files to match your custom kit-folder (so it's different from the original).

- Create that custom kit-folder and put the kits you want to use in it.

Then you can give your mod the highest priority and it will have only your weapons available.

This way you don't have to delete anything, and still be able to play MP.

To edit text in multiple text-files use ReplaceEm-program (or something similar).

In MP still all kits will be available (because it sums up all kits it can find), but you can make you're own restriction-file (and make the original-restrictions empty, if you want). I've done this before so I know it works, but I deleted the whole mod (because of the many kit-images I had to make :wall: ), and I thought why not just use the original-kits :lol:

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I found the time to try your solution (it took a bit of time renaming all those kit path according to my custom kits folders and kits names)

And it worked perfectly.

I can see my favorites weapons selection a lot easier, as i have not to browse +200 kits to find the 4/5 weapons i will use.

Thanks again , San

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