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Question about a Soldier class


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are there operators out there, that wear nearly the same as snipers (ghillie and that stuff) but they are only equipped with submachine guns??

If the job requires an operator to rise out of deep camouflage at extremely close quarters to rescue a person/capture fragile equipment then yes, an operator might be issued with such gear.

for black ops....

Deniable operations are likey to contain "unusual" requests of personnel and odd objectives to be achieved. But just because you've seen a pic doesn't mean the chap holding the MP5 is black ops. The same effect can be achieved with AirSoft and a fool with a ghillie suit.

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Deniable operations are likey to contain "unusual" requests of personnel and odd objectives to be achieved. But just because you've seen a pic doesn't mean the chap holding the MP5 is black ops. The same effect can be achieved with AirSoft and a fool with a ghillie suit.

This is going to be the new quote in my signature!

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for black ops....

Deniable operations are likey to contain "unusual" requests of personnel and odd objectives to be achieved. But just because you've seen a pic doesn't mean the chap holding the MP5 is black ops. The same effect can be achieved with AirSoft and a fool with a ghillie suit.

hmm, I meant for example a soldier who wears nothing that can identify him as a soldier for a specific country


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when spec. op's take place

usually the only thing that id's them

is eye witnesses ie. eye color, hair color,

language they were talking, their axcents.

they usually dont wear patches or dog tags either

and they try to cover their faces as much as possible.

it would help more stalker

if we knew what kind of sitsuation

these operators were in?

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you know the movie to clear and present danger??

one of the snipers planted demo charges on a plane in columbia. he was only equipped with a MP5SD--> but actually he was a sniper...


if we knew what kind of sitsuation

these operators were in?

infiltrate an enemy base at night, steal infos, or plant demo charges...... :ph34r:

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If you hold the respected position of a Sniper, it doesn't matter what gun you shoot with. Your designated as the team sharp shooter. You need to be lethal with any gun. And when it comes to ghili suits, you have to under stand how a ghili suit works. It isn't like it is in the movies. You don't pick your favourite one or the one best for the job and go off to kill. Obviously there are one previously made, but most ghili suits used in an operation are made during the mission. For instance, one sniper and one spotter are dropped off in an LZ in a jungle. Their first priority is to get out of site and establish their position and current status. Each of them carries netting with them. They then will pick up items such as sticks and leaves from the surrounding ecosystem and attach it to themselves. This way they know exactly what they need on their ghili suits to blend in. There is a sniper school in the UK where one of the tests goes as follows. : There are 5 new recruits. Each of them must crawl through 4 different elements of nature; grass lands, jungle, desert, rocky. (I'm not sure how they set up the course but I'm sure if you have enough money...) The new recruits must crawl through these 4 elements without being spotted by 10 stratigically placed spotters. The snipers must get two shots off without being spotted; one at 500yrds. and one at 300yrds. Using their skills they must change their ghili suits according to the habitat or their "dead". When I watched, only one recruit managed to get the 300yrd. shot off. The rest of them were spotted. It was pretty amazing. :rocky:

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Uhmm, awhile ago we discussed what was Black Ops and what was Spec Ops. We all agreed on "Black Ops=psychos with guns and Spec Ops=Trained psychos with guns." So, if Black Ops really have no formal affiliation, then I'm pretty sure they dont have a standard uniform to begin with. And guns? Whatever they can carry, really.


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One thing to remember is the use of Ghillies and Camouflage.

You're not going to see a SWAT team or even a SWAT sniper with a Ghillie suit, it just aint happening. There's no need for a ghillie suit in an urban evironment. I'm not saying this is the rule, there may be some SWAT snipers who use ghillies, but it's very rare.

As was said, Ghillies are made on site. They're used to work as the best possible concealment for a sniper and his spotter. They'd be more practical for a non-moving soldier (such as a sniper). A ghillie, while effective, would be impractical for the standard infantryman / rifleman. He's moving about too much, and it sacrifices much needed room for Racksystems to carry ammo, grenades, med equipment etc.

Ghillies are practical devices for a certain duty, not a fashion statement. :D:lol:

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One thing to remember is the use of Ghillies and Camouflage.

You're not going to see a SWAT team or even a SWAT sniper with a Ghillie suit, it just aint happening. There's no need for a ghillie suit in an urban evironment. I'm not saying this is the rule, there may be some SWAT snipers who use ghillies, but it's very rare.

As was said, Ghillies are made on site. They're used to work as the best possible concealment for a sniper and his spotter. They'd be more practical for a non-moving soldier (such as a sniper). A ghillie, while effective, would be impractical for the standard infantryman / rifleman. He's moving about too much, and it sacrifices much needed room for Racksystems to carry ammo, grenades, med equipment etc.

Ghillies are practical devices for a certain duty, not a fashion statement. :D:lol:

Interesting side note here, the longest recorded shot by a SWAT sniper was 165 yards.

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165 yards? are u sure thats the correct number?

i can hit a target at 300m with out a scope.

:ph34r: imagen what i could hit with a scope :ph34r:

Yes, I'm sure. It's somewhere around there, anyway. It might be 168 yards. I have no doubt that many SWAT snipers are excellent shots out to several hundred yards. But, as I understand it, the nature of SWAT (and police in general) work doesn't really allow for such long distances. In order to minimize the chances of striking someone else, the sniper would want to get as close as possible, while maintaining a clear vantage point.

I also saw a little thing on a standoff in Georgia, where a SWAT sniper literally shot the gun out of a guy's hand. The gun was destroyed, but the guy was not injured! :blink:

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i saw that 2, it was a guy sitting in a chair holding a revolver shooting it in the air and the sniper shot the gun out of his hands and also took out the chairs leg. it was a sweet shot to have recorded.

para: i think it was 1065 yards

Nope. It's about 165 yards. I'm positive. According to the FBI, the average SWAT sniper engagement is about 71 yards. :blink:

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I think the original estimate of 165 yards was correct.

What makes the shot stand out among others is that it was a successful shot targeted at the medulla oblongata.

The science:

The human body is a wonderful thing. It can accept huge amounts of damage and still function. With regard to hostage rescue, this is a bit of a problem - A gunman with a pistol screwed into the head of a hostage only has to load 4 lbs of pressure onto the trigger to add one more body to the casualty count. Even with a shot to the head, that twitch reflex is still alive and the trigger can still be pulled. In effect, the gunman holds all the cards.

The medulla oblongata is the centre of all reflexive movement in the body. This is the piece of brain that controls instinctive flinches like contact with hot steel or the bite from the dog. Send a bullet through that and the unfortunate target drops like a sack of meat: no twitch, no flutter, nothing. Unfortunately, the medulla oblongata is about the size of a ping-pong ball.

If you think that shot was easy, think again. Try to imagine shooting a ping pong ball with your first shot knowing that somebody will die if you get it wrong. The slightest hiccup in wind, your zero, pulse or trigger control is now responsible for a persons life. It was one hell of a shot.

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I can't remember where it took place, but I saw some footage of the actual shot. Oddly enough, I can't remember the exact details of the incident. I saw two of them back to back, and I can't remember which was which. maybe someone else can.


The perp had held several hostages in an office, and booby-trapped it with bombs. When they finally got him to come out, he was holding a lady hostage, and when the sharpshooter got a clear shot, he took it. The dude just dropped like he had tripped. The sad part of this story, though, is that the gun that the perp had wasn't real. It was a BB gun, and no one had any idea, until he was dead. The bombs were all fake as well.


The perp was in a convenience store, armed with a revolver, and he was holding some folks hostage. A sharpshooter set up on the roof of a building some distance away. I don't remember why, but, the person he was holding hostage moved just a little bit, and the sharpshooter had a clear shot for just an instant. He took the shot, and dropped the perp with one round to the head.

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Sorry, but 165yrds sounds pretty sad. There was a SEAL team that had a 1.97 mile shot with an M82 Barret Light 50.cal. They put a hole right through a SAM sight's gas tank. And 1065yrds. is starting to sound a little better, but still far from the best. Then again it was SWAT, and well... Lets just say that they're no Ghost Recon. :D

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Sorry, but 165yrds sounds pretty sad. There was a SEAL team that had a 1.97 mile shot with an M82 Barret Light 50.cal. They put a hole right through a SAM sight's gas tank. And 1065yrds. is starting to sound a little better, but still far from the best. Then again it was SWAT, and well... Lets just say that they're no Ghost Recon. :D

I think you're unaware of the nature of police standoffs. It's a little more difficult to set up a 1.5 Km shot when you're in the middle of a city. Not only that fact, but, why take such a risk of shooting from a thousand meters, when you can make the same shot at 100 meters? Long shots are taken out of necessity, not out of desire. If you're shooting at an armored vehicle a mile away, it's not going to be too bad if you miss. But if you have to hit a 2-square-inch portion of a guy's head at any range, you don't have any room for error.

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