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"The Farm"


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I guess it's not many that have asked so many question that I have done here without showing anything of what I actually have done, so I figured it was time to do so.

I have been working on a map for a while now, but the progress goes up and down as the school take some time now and then.

My map will basically be a big farm located somewhere in the deep woods of Russia I think. Atleast the farm will be the main thing on the map, but I guess I will put in some buildings and other stuff around on it. The main thing I'm looking for here is to create a place that actually could have existed and which "feels alive" and that something actually have been going on at this farm.

The screenshot under here is still early shots from the map and it doesn't show that much of details etc. the final map will include. Anyway it's fast lighted as I feel this give you an idea of how the map will be.

Hopefully the map will be ready somewhere over in 2004 and I also hope my buddy AlphaSquad/Chavez will script a couple of nasty stealth missions on it so it really will be worth the download for the coop geeks. Enjoy the screenshot so far.

Edited by Alpha_Biro
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Yea...a day version with long range sight will be included so you snipers have something to enjoy! Guess it will a bit harder to run for the low-end computers but I also like maps with a better range of view actually.

@Kpl.Eli, I have also noticed that, but when I place the soldier next to the chair or the couch it's the right size. It just looks weird on the picture I guess...

Edited by Alpha_Biro
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Great map-idea !

I think it's harder to make a night-map then a day-map, because you can't see anything when making a night-map !

Don't forget to use the lighting-tool, and make a command map. A map without these isn't a map !


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Just wan't to express how great this process is from a scripters point of view. Here actually; the mapmaker, scripter and the betatesters can walk through the map and actually plan a mission before the map is actually done. That gives us the opportunity to put in objects and small nifty details into the map that actually is gonna play an important role in a future mission. Thats plain exiting!

I guess a lot of people already have guessed - it wouldn't be a big surprise if you would find this map in the SR2004 mappack. :rocky:

But the actual maplist for SR2004 isn't done yet.

A lot of details remains.

Keep up the good work Biro. This looks promising bro. :santa:

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