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My mission keeps chrashin'


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hey all!

the 13th mission of my mod is chrashing... (mission 50% finished)

All kits and actor and gun files are placed right...

I look and look at the script but I am not able to find out what keeps it chrashin..

I hope anyone can help me out... :(

first I'll post the script, then the Ike.log and then the Ikechrash.log


Group: <Default>



Trigger Event:

The simulation is starting.


Set PlayersPlatoon to (The player-controlled platoon).

Mark Extraction green.

Set Counter - Black to 0.

Call F X after this block.

Call ZrstrFz + FX after this block.

Set Counter - SAM to 0.

Set NotSeen to 0.

Set Counter - mp5??? to 1.

Set Counter - Mp5sdSens to (A random integer between 2 and (The number of active actors on PlayersPlatoon)).

Use New Kits to loop over all actors in PlayersPlatoon after this block.

Use G36K SD ?? to loop over all actors in PlayersPlatoon after this block.

Use MP5SD Sensor? to loop over all actors in PlayersPlatoon after this block.

Use Töte to loop over all actors in Platoon_Tot after this block.

Group: <Default>



Trigger Event:

The simulation is starting.


Destroy Sperre1.

Destroy Sperre2.

Enable the Failed script blocks.

Hide Platoon_Threat from the game world.

Continue executing responses if (The campaign difficulty is set to Hard).

Track Threat_Actor as the only threat.

Group: <Default>



Trigger Event:

The simulation is starting.


Continue executing responses if (The game mode is Single Player).

Turn off platoon AI for PlayersPlatoon.

Turn off platoon AI for Platoon_BW-Supp..

Place all members of PlayersPlatoon in PlayerBoot.

Place all members of Platoon_BW-Supp. in BWBoot.

Begin Cinematic Mode.

Hide Feinde from the game world.

Enable the B script blocks.

Enable the C script blocks.

Set Timer - B to expire in 4 second(s).

Set Timer - C to expire in 10 second(s).

Set Timer - Black1 to expire in 19 second(s).

Group: <Default>



Trigger Event:

Timer - Black1 has expired.


Fade to black.

Group: <Default>



Trigger Event:

The display has completed a fade to black.


Allow this block to be reactivated.

Continue executing responses if ((The value of Counter - Black) is equal to 0).

Turn on platoon AI for PlayersPlatoon.

Turn on platoon AI for Platoon_BW-Supp..

Return the camera to the default viewpoint.

End Cinematic Mode.

Make Feinde visible to the game world.

Set Timer - CounterBlackinc to expire in 2 second(s).

Group: <Default>


convoi fertig....

Trigger Event:

A member of PlayersPlatoon is within 10 meter(s) of Zone_Convoi.


Set Timer - ConvoiC to expire in 7 second(s).

Group: <Default>


convoi expired

Trigger Event:

Timer - ConvoiC has expired.


Mark Investigate Convoi complete in the objective list.

Set Timer - Music1 to expire in 10 second(s).

Cancel execution of any plan assigned to Team_AI01.

Assign Plan_AI01_alternate to Team_AI01 and execute.

Group: <Default>



Trigger Event:

A member of PlayersPlatoon is within 10 meter(s) of Zone_geisel_funker.


Skip the remaining responses if (The state of Flag - Funker).

Set Flag - Funker to true.

Add Look for Survivors to the objective list.

Display "< We have located survivors in the area. Get them. >" to all players for 5 second(s).

Group: <Default>



Trigger Event:

1 second(s) elapsed.


Allow this block to be reactivated.

Continue executing responses if ((A member of PlayersPlatoon is being seen by Feinde) and ((The value of NotSeen) is equal to 0)).

Mark Avoid Detection failed in the objective list.

Set Timer - AD_failed to expire in 3 second(s).

Prevent this block from being reactivated.

Group: <Default>


music1 expired-->musik

Trigger Event:

Timer - Music1 has expired.


Start playing "a_dfir.wav".

Group: <Default>


sam spotted???

Trigger Event:

A member of PlayersPlatoon is within 10 meter(s) of Zone_Samspotted.


Add Sam to the objective list.

Display "< Enemy SAM spotted !! Mark the SAM with an Infrared sensor that our Aircrew is able to destroy it. Get the Kit at the boat of the support team" to all players for 10 second(s).

Increment Counter - SAM.

Prevent this block from being reactivated.

Group: <Default>



Trigger Event:

A member of PlayersPlatoon is within 2.5 meter(s) of SAMKIT.


Allow this block to be reactivated.

Continue executing responses if ((The value of Counter - SAM) is equal to 1).

Assign "str_mp5sd_infra.kit" to (The actor nearest SAMKIT).

Increment Counter - SAM.

Set ###### to false.

Prevent this block from being reactivated.

Group: <Default>


BWS1 los

Trigger Event:

45 second(s) elapsed.


Assign Plan_BWS1 to Team_BWS1 and execute.

Group: <Default>


BWS2 los

Trigger Event:

A member of Team_P01 has been killed.


Assign Plan_BWS2 to Team_BWS2 and execute.

Prevent this block from being reactivated.

Group: <Default>


infra platziert

Trigger Event:

A demo charge was placed within 8 meter(s) of SAM.


Mark Sam complete in the objective list.

Display "< Infrared Sensor placed at the SAM >" to all players for 3 second(s).

Increment Mission.

Set Infra-placed to true.

Prevent this block from being reactivated.

Group: <Default>



Trigger Event:

The simulation is starting.


Set Infra-placed to false.

Set ###### to true.

Set Flag - Funker to false.

Call Geisel Stat after this block.

Set Counter - Random to (A random integer between 1 and 3).

Call Random after this block.

Group: <Default>


Demo check

Trigger Event:

3 second(s) elapsed.


Allow this block to be reactivated.

Continue executing responses if ((The number of demo charges available to PlayersPlatoon) is equal to 0).

Skip the remaining responses if ((The state of Infra-placed) or (The state of ######)).

Mark Sam failed in the objective list.

Prevent this block from being reactivated.

Group: <Default>



Trigger Event:

A member of PlayersPlatoon is within 10 meter(s) of Zone_J1.


Assign Plan - Jeep1/1 to Jeep1 and execute.

Prevent this block from being reactivated.

Group: <Default>



Trigger Event:

A member of PlayersPlatoon is within 10 meter(s) of Zone_J2.


Assign Plan - Jeep1/2 to Jeep1 and execute.

Prevent this block from being reactivated.

Group: <Default>


player in ZSurvivours

Trigger Event:

A member of PlayersPlatoon is within 10 meter(s) of Zone_survivors.


Skip the remaining responses if (The state of Flag - Funker2).

Set Flag - Funker to true.

Add Look for Survivors to the objective list.

Display "< We have located survivors in the area. Get them! >" to all players for 4 second(s).

Prevent this block from being reactivated.

Group: <Default>


check neuer geisel stat

Trigger Event:

A member of PlayersPlatoon is within 10 meter(s) of Zone_survivors.


Call NewGeiselStat after this block.

Prevent this block from being reactivated.

Group: <Default>


Geisel Tot-->Fail

Trigger Event:

A member of Platoon_Survivors has been killed.


Display "< Hell, one of the hostages died! >" and register mission failure.

Prevent this block from being reactivated.

Group: <Default>


check geisel bei extraction

Trigger Event:

A member of Platoon_Survivors is within 10 meter(s) of Extraction.


Allow this block to be reactivated.

Continue executing responses if ((The number of members of Platoon_Survivors within 10 meter(s) of Extraction) is equal to (The number of active actors on Platoon_Survivors)).

Mark Look for Survivors complete in the objective list.

Increment Mission.

Prevent this block from being reactivated.

Group: <Default>


--->zu extr 1

Trigger Event:

The escort of Survivor1 has begun.


Skip the remaining responses if (Team_Suv2 is currently being escorted).

Display "< OK, take them to Extraction, alive !!!" to all players for 3 second(s).

Prevent this block from being reactivated.

Group: <Default>


-->zu extr2

Trigger Event:

The escort of Survivor2 has begun.


Skip the remaining responses if (Team_Suv1 is currently being escorted).

Display "< OK, take them to Extraction, alive !!! >" to all players for 3 second(s).

Prevent this block from being reactivated.

Group: <Default>


black erhöhung

Trigger Event:

Timer - CounterBlackinc has expired.


Increment Counter - Black.

Group: B


camera B

Trigger Event:

Timer - B has expired.


Place the camera at Camera_B, facing Camera_B-t.

Group: C


camera C

Trigger Event:

Timer - C has expired.


Place the camera at Camera_C, facing Camera_C-t.

Group: F X


convoi FX

Trigger Event:

This block has been called directly from the script.


Activate m35/01 - Feuer1.

Activate m35/01 - Rauch1.

Activate m35/01 - Rauch2.

Activate m35/02 - Rauch1.

Activate m35/02 - Rauch2.

Activate m35/03 - Rauch1.

Activate m35/03 - Rauch2.

Activate m35/03 - Rauch3.

Activate m1 - Rauch1.

Group: Failed


failed avoid

Trigger Event:

Timer - AD_failed has expired.


Display "< You are detected !!! >" and register mission failure.

Group: G36K SD ??


wer bekommt sie G36KSD

Trigger Event:

An actor loop is ready to process Next_PPActor.


Allow this block to be reactivated.

Continue executing responses if (Next_PPActor is equal to (The player-controlled actor)).

Assign "str_playerg36ksdm9.kit" to (The player-controlled actor).

Group: Geisel Stat


stats der geiseln

Trigger Event:

This block has been called directly from the script.


Set Survivor1 to captive behavior.

Set Survivor2 to captive behavior.

Hide Survivor1 on the command map for all players.

Hide Survivor2 on the command map for all players.

Prevent this block from being reactivated.

Group: MP5SD Sensor?


wer bekommt mp5sd sensor

Trigger Event:

An actor loop is ready to process Next_mp5sensGuy.


Allow this block to be reactivated.

Increment Counter - mp5???.

Continue executing responses if ((The value of Counter - mp5???) is equal to (The value of Counter - Mp5sdSens)).

Set Next_mp5sensGuy to ThisMP5SDsens.Guy.

Assign "str_playermp5sdsen.kit" to ThisMP5SDsens.Guy.

Prevent this block from being reactivated.

Group: New Kits


mp5 waffen

Trigger Event:

An actor loop is ready to process Next_mp5Guy.


Allow this block to be reactivated.

Assign "str_playermp5sdmag.kit" to Next_mp5Guy.

Group: NewGeiselStat


geisel sichtbar-->hostage

Trigger Event:

This block has been called directly from the script.


Cancel captive behavior for Survivor1.

Set Survivor1 to hostage behavior.

Cancel captive behavior for Survivor2.

Set Survivor2 to hostage behavior.

Show Survivor1 on the command map for all players.

Show Survivor2 on the command map for all players.

Make all members of Platoon_Survivors detectable.

Group: Random



Trigger Event:

This block has been called directly from the script.


Continue executing responses if ((The value of Counter - Random) is equal to 1).

Teleport all members of Platoon_Random to Zone_random1.

Assign Plan_Random1 to Team_Random and execute.

Group: Random



Trigger Event:

This block has been called directly from the script.


Continue executing responses if ((The value of Counter - Random) is equal to 2).

Teleport all members of Platoon_Random to Zone_Random2.

Assign Plan_Random2 to Team_Random and execute.

Group: Random



Trigger Event:

This block has been called directly from the script.


Continue executing responses if ((The value of Counter - Random) is equal to 3).

Teleport all members of Platoon_Random to Zone_Random3.

Assign Plan_Random3 to Team_Random and execute.

Group: Töte


töte convoileute

Trigger Event:

An actor loop is ready to process Next_Tote.


Allow this block to be reactivated.

Have Next_Tote commit suicide.

Group: ZrstrFz + FX


convoi tot rauch feuer

Trigger Event:

This block has been called directly from the script.


Destroy C - Jeep/01.

Destroy C - M1 tank.

Destroy C - m35/01.

Destroy C - m35/02.

Destroy C - m35/03.


***** User's system configuration *****

CPU: GenuineIntel 863 MHz Pentium III Coppermine

RAM: 128 MB

O/S: Microsoft Windows 98 4.90 build 3000

Ghost Recon (RELEASE) version =

RSDisplayMgr::CreateGameWindow: Creating a 1024x768 window at 0,0 on monitor C993 attached to NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 Model 64

RSDisplayMgr::CreateGameWindow: Game running on primary display C993 attached to NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 Model 64

HAL (sw vp): NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 Model 64 R5G6B5

RSFILEDATA: FindFile could not find file ike_fx_fire_type2.tga

RSFILEDATA: FindFile could not find file ike_fx_fire_type2.rsb

Unable to find ike_fx_fire_type2.tga anywhere.

RSFILEDATA: FindFile could not find file lighthalo_effect3.rsb

RSFILEDATA: FindFile could not find file lighthalo_effect3.rsb

Unable to find lighthalo_effect3.rsb anywhere.

RSSoundMgrPC: Selecting sound device C-Media Audio Direct Sound Driver

driver is CMAUDIO.VXD

RSSoundMgrPC: Selecting sound device C-Media Audio Direct Sound Driver

driver is CMAUDIO.VXD

RSGameStateMgr::ProcessMessage() duplicate state change request

Loading map c:\programme\red storm entertainment\ghost recon\mods\mp2\map\c05_bridges\c05_bridges.map

SimGun: Gun node BergGUN1 has no camera offset helper point.

RSFILEDATA: FindFile could not find file ice_rus_06_blink_cuba.rsb

RSFILEDATA: FindFile could not find file ice_rus_06_cuba.rsb

RSFILEDATA: FindFile could not find file pickup_truckd0.anm

RSFILEDATA: FindFile could not find file pickup_truckd0.anm

RSFILEDATA: FindFile could not find file v_uazd0.anm

RSFILEDATA: FindFile could not find file truck_m35d0.anm

RSFILEDATA: FindFile could not find file truck_m35d0.anm

RSFILEDATA: FindFile could not find file truck_m35d0.anm



GHOSTRECON caused an Access Violation in module GHOSTRECON.EXE at 018f:005fa1c4.

Exception handler called in Main Thread.

Error occurred at 10/14/2003 20:50:20.


1 processor(s), type 586.

128 MBytes physical memory.

Read from location ffffffff caused an access violation.


EAX=00000000 CS=018f EIP=005fa1c4 EFLGS=00210246

EBX=00000000 SS=0197 ESP=00b8e8a4 EBP=0aa66ae8

ECX=0aa66960 DS=0197 ESI=0a84f720 FS=14bf

EDX=05a860d0 ES=0197 EDI=ffffffff GS=0000

Bytes at CS:EIP:

38 98 1c 01 00 00 74 1a d8 1d 88 d9 85 00 df e0

Stack trace:

005FA1C4: GHOSTRECON.EXE! <no symbol>, <no file>, <no line>

0A984E20: <no module><no symbol>, <no file>, <no line>

005E4B30: GHOSTRECON.EXE! <no symbol>, <no file>, <no line>

FFFC47B8: <no module><no symbol>, <no file>, <no line>

Module list: names, addresses, sizes, time stamps and file times:

C:\PROGRAMME\RED STORM ENTERTAINMENT\GHOST RECON\GHOSTRECON.EXE, loaded at 0x00400000 - 6398088 bytes - 3da723b3 - file date is 10/11/2002 15:17:34

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSDMO.DLL, loaded at 0x02220000 - 11264 bytes - 39f16e09 - file date is 11/3/2000 14:35:22

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\QDCSPI.DLL, loaded at 0x02300000 - 45056 bytes - 3d59bae4 - file date is 8/13/2002 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\~EF1BF9\~DF394B.TMP, loaded at 0x10000000 - 822824 bytes - 3c76503b - file date is 10/14/2003 20:45:54

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\VVVIDFLT.AX, loaded at 0x1c400000 - 178688 bytes - 34d257c0 - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\QUARTZ.DLL, loaded at 0x35500000 - 962048 bytes - 39f16e59 - file date is 11/3/2000 14:35:22

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\DEVENUM.DLL, loaded at 0x35620000 - 52224 bytes - 39f1733a - file date is 11/3/2000 14:35:22

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\QASF.DLL, loaded at 0x35630000 - 146432 bytes - 39f1733a - file date is 11/3/2000 14:35:22

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\D3D8.DLL, loaded at 0x5c280000 - 1062400 bytes - 3a033b6b - file date is 11/3/2000 14:35:22

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\DINPUT8.DLL, loaded at 0x70000000 - 208896 bytes - 39f15fef - file date is 11/3/2000 14:35:22

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SHLWAPI.DLL, loaded at 0x70bd0000 - 395776 bytes - 3d6e4b31 - file date is 8/29/2002 09:26:26

C:\PROGRAMME\RED STORM ENTERTAINMENT\GHOST RECON\DBGHELP.DLL, loaded at 0x72a00000 - 163088 bytes - 3af32067 - file date is 8/10/2001 09:27:10

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WSOCK32.DLL, loaded at 0x73250000 - 36864 bytes - 39579af7 - file date is 8/18/2000 16:32:58

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WS2HELP.DLL, loaded at 0x73280000 - 20480 bytes - 39579af7 - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WS2_32.DLL, loaded at 0x73290000 - 69632 bytes - 39579af7 - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WNASPI32.DLL, loaded at 0x73350000 - 36864 bytes - 39579af7 - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WINTRUST.DLL, loaded at 0x73d70000 - 176128 bytes - 39579af2 - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SETUPAPI.DLL, loaded at 0x75d90000 - 589824 bytes - 39579ade - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\RNR20.DLL, loaded at 0x76330000 - 57344 bytes - 39579ad9 - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSWSOCK.DLL, loaded at 0x77a00000 - 81920 bytes - 39579acd - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSVCRT.DLL, loaded at 0x78000000 - 290869 bytes - 37f2c227 - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSASN1.DLL, loaded at 0x79c30000 - 65536 bytes - 39579abc - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSAFD.DLL, loaded at 0x79c60000 - 40960 bytes - 39579abc - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MPG4DMOD.DLL, loaded at 0x7a420000 - 233744 bytes - 39579ab9 - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\IMAGEHLP.DLL, loaded at 0x7b690000 - 143360 bytes - 39579ab1 - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\HID.DLL, loaded at 0x7bc20000 - 29456 bytes - 39579aae - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\RSAENH.DLL, loaded at 0x7ca00000 - 104208 bytes - 38a9fb36 - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\CRYPT32.DLL, loaded at 0x7da40000 - 475136 bytes - 39579aa5 - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\CABINET.DLL, loaded at 0x7e070000 - 69632 bytes - 39579aa4 - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MPR.DLL, loaded at 0x7f120000 - 57344 bytes - 39579aa0 - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\CFGMGR32.DLL, loaded at 0x7f700000 - 40960 bytes - 39579a9e - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\NETBIOS.DLL, loaded at 0x7f730000 - 28672 bytes - 39579a9d - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SECUR32.DLL, loaded at 0x7f760000 - 69632 bytes - 39579a9d - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\RASAPI32.DLL, loaded at 0x7f780000 - 258048 bytes - 39579a9d - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SVRAPI.DLL, loaded at 0x7f860000 - 32768 bytes - 39579a9d - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\TAPI32.DLL, loaded at 0x7f870000 - 122880 bytes - 39579a9d - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\NETAPI32.DLL, loaded at 0x7f8a0000 - 20480 bytes - 39579a9d - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSNET32.DLL, loaded at 0x7fa30000 - 77824 bytes - 39579a9c - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSPWL32.DLL, loaded at 0x7fa70000 - 40960 bytes - 39579a9c - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\RPCRT4.DLL, loaded at 0x7fab0000 - 348160 bytes - 39579a9c - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SHELL32.DLL, loaded at 0x7fbd0000 - 2277376 bytes - 39579a9b - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\COMDLG32.DLL, loaded at 0x7fe00000 - 204800 bytes - 39579a9b - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WINSPOOL.DRV, loaded at 0x7fe40000 - 23040 bytes - 39579a9b - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\OLEAUT32.DLL, loaded at 0x7fe80000 - 614672 bytes - 39579a9b - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\OLE32.DLL, loaded at 0x7ff20000 - 794624 bytes - 39579a9b - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\DDRAW.DLL, loaded at 0xbaaa0000 - 344064 bytes - 39f15f6f - file date is 11/3/2000 14:35:22

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\DSOUND.DLL, loaded at 0xbeaf0000 - 455680 bytes - 3a024e6b - file date is 11/3/2000 14:35:22

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\COMCTL32.DLL, loaded at 0xbfb70000 - 548624 bytes - 3d6e4b31 - file date is 8/29/2002 09:26:26

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WINMM.DLL, loaded at 0xbfdd0000 - 65536 bytes - 393f0f96 - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\LZ32.DLL, loaded at 0xbfe40000 - 24576 bytes - 39579a99 - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\VERSION.DLL, loaded at 0xbfe50000 - 24576 bytes - 39579a99 - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ADVAPI32.DLL, loaded at 0xbfe60000 - 65536 bytes - 39579a99 - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\NTDLL.DLL, loaded at 0xbfe70000 - 20480 bytes - 39579a99 - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\GDI32.DLL, loaded at 0xbff10000 - 172032 bytes - 39579a99 - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\USER32.DLL, loaded at 0xbff40000 - 69632 bytes - 39579a99 - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\KERNEL32.DLL, loaded at 0xbff60000 - 552960 bytes - 393f3c0f - file date is 6/8/2000 17:00:00


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RSFILEDATA: FindFile could not find file ice_rus_06_blink_cuba.rsb

RSFILEDATA: FindFile could not find file ice_rus_06_cuba.rsb

RSFILEDATA: FindFile could not find file pickup_truckd0.anm

RSFILEDATA: FindFile could not find file pickup_truckd0.anm

RSFILEDATA: FindFile could not find file v_uazd0.anm

RSFILEDATA: FindFile could not find file truck_m35d0.anm

RSFILEDATA: FindFile could not find file truck_m35d0.anm

RSFILEDATA: FindFile could not find file truck_m35d0.anm

RSFILEDATA: FindFile could not find file ike_fx_fire_type2.tga

RSFILEDATA: FindFile could not find file ike_fx_fire_type2.rsb

Unable to find ike_fx_fire_type2.tga anywhere.

RSFILEDATA: FindFile could not find file lighthalo_effect3.rsb

RSFILEDATA: FindFile could not find file lighthalo_effect3.rsb

Unable to find lighthalo_effect3.rsb anywhere.

i see lots of stuff missin.........

do a find file................are these even on your system?

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Read from location ffffffff caused an access violation.

EDX=05a860d0 ES=0197 EDI=ffffffff GS=0000

not sure here....RSE sorce code would be helpful here and engine access to Mr gates stuff would be helpful............pull your windows error logs and post them.

Edited by Viper_Talon
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ok did a little checkin on the register thing............again as i said without RSE sorce code i cant give an answer..........however all f's (fffffffff) that is the end of that register (or top to be exact)and whatever was supposed to be there wasnt.

morethan likley one or more pinged video effects of the files that are missing.

P.S. give that poor thing some more memory.........while 98 can be run stable on as low as four mb ( can to ive done it! ) it was written to be a memory hog..........and can shred a 128 chip...........drop in $30 or $40 of memory along with that one and you will double that things speed

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@ Viper_Talon, don't worry about all those enties in the IkeCrash.log - it's basically just telling you that GR crashed, which of course we already know.

The Ike.log is what we are interested in, and there is nothing there that would cause a ctd - those missing files will be listed just about any time you look at the Ike.log and are probably just left over from development.

@ Stalker - You don't say at what point it crashes or if it is random - this is quite important. The script seems to OK after a quick read through. There are a couple of Queued blocks missing - or maybe you never implemented them?

There are a few areas you could look at: Where are you teleporting Platoon_Random? If it is to a different Map Room this will sometimes cause crashes. Make sure any actors you teleport aren't dead - can sometimes cause problems. Make sure any of the actors that you kill aren't hidden (check the actor properties panel as well). Likewise make sure any of the vehicles you destroy aren't hidden.

You could also try reducing your resolution to 800 x 600.

Apart from that I can only suggest you make a backup copy of your mission and then start deleting blocks, starting with the most recently added, until it stops crashing.

Cheers, Jack :)

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