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Recruit - 3rd Class

Recruit - 3rd Class (2/13)



  1. Please, Oh please add a quicksave button in the patch. Seriously, I appreciate the "appealing to hardcore" thing, but man I really dont wanna play the same 15 min section over and over until I get it right or get lucky. I dont have that much time anymore. Please and Thanks.
  2. Actually you really dont have to read in too hard, Colin talks to certain people @ Grin, possible coders, these coders know and have easily replicated a way of doing what we are asking for, but are not really aloud to show you how, or release their own mods(NDA) all software made by ubisoft employees for ubisoft products are stricktly prohibited unless authorized by senior managment. Hence hes telling us that its possible its in front of your face, but he cant say right now. They "Grin" are prob reading this now saying yup. Not to mention hoping you acheive what you set out to do.
  3. you still need the xml changed, but the comment just makes it so you can skip going in thru the lan stuff, it just starts the game and directlly into the editor.
  4. BTw, heres a handy titbit, make a new shortcut to the GRAW.exe on your desktop(dont copy the old one) go into properties of that shortcut, and add -editor to the comment space, apply and then rename your shortcut to editor, then you go straight into editor instead of ingame first. Also by clicking the spacebar you get camera control and to move it use the wsad keys. To place any of the ojbects that you find in the selection bar above right click it in the scene. Havent figured out how to save yet or move ojects once placed, and it still seems to have a memory leak or just that I dont know the "rules" of that editor yet.
  5. Hey thanks Dig. Its fairly unstable at the moment, works thou, staticmeshes are placeable and are seperated into STATIC(larger architectural meshes) and Static_small(cosmetic stuff, barrels, debris, vehicle etc.) Lights are placeable and simple. I'm digging further to check how the nav system works and Ai. Of course saving a map would be a challenge, but im thinking it has to do with the Area thingy, place a large area box and work inside that, there doesnt seem to be a brush system ala Unreal, but more a import from a 3d app in peices type of thing.
  6. Hey Digital can you please do a write up on how you got the editor to that point, please and Thanks.
  7. Have any of you fine fellas that have their copy of GRAW noticed any kind of editor or modding software on the disk? If not has there been any comment about the modding tools?
  8. Dont Fool yourself, 15000 polygons were most likley used to make the Normal/Bump maps which then get imposed on top of a 3000-max 5000 poly character, and thats being generous. I watched our character guy try to open the max file with the Hi res version of Our character(which was around the same) It took 10 mins to open it and chugged for 10 secs every time he tryed moving the viewport (on a Dual Core, 3.2 gig machine) Not taking anything away from the Devs or the Game but that is how these Next Gen Games are being made.
  9. News to me, never heard of it, sounds cool thou. Althou the offical word from Ubi is this list is a fake.
  10. 1. The slide feature that I seen in the video, please put a pause of 3 sec or more between slides, I know soldiers have knee pads for a reason but I'd like to avoid bunny hop like sliding all around the map. 2. This game is gonna get played to DEATH please have your QA team test the crap outta collision on every square inch of the maps, to avoid the plauged Docks type of glitchers. 3. I personally loved the hell out of the replays in the last and thought they were the best cheat protection ever, pbs okie but nothing beats the eye of the beholder. 4. Large weapon arsenal just like last time, I dont really care for spending 3 mins trying to config my weapon while others are screaming at me to RDY up , 5. Find a new RDY up so that noobs understand, or that by vote we can ready up. As well MAKE The new people make a name other then Johndoe, dont hide it in the options, if they click the MP button the first time a make a name tab should appear. But Clearly I understand if none of my requests get in due to the timeline left in Prod, even if prod is still active, which normally it would not be only massive debug. Anywho thanks GRIN for making my fav PC game.
  11. http://forums.ubi.com/eve/ubb.x/a/tpc/f/32...11/m/3221019823 sorry, wrong fourm but hey there no Rainbow section. So yea its free its out, if ya have RVS go check it out. DL here I think http://www.fileplanet.com/section.aspx?s=101780&v=0
  12. Its Good, looks real good. Nice work as always Serellan and friends.
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