He never said he Play the PC version, Thats a rumor one of the UBI designers started and later apologized for it(go to the UBI official site and see for your self). All he said was that GR2, is not the same game as GR1. He also said that the game look fun, but is not the sequel we all been waiting for. The game has been consolarized to the point that you can only control 1 guy thru the hole single player missions. No more jumping from squad to squad to position your soldiers, heck is only going to be 1 squad. The 3rd person view is in, so I don't know how they are going to implement that on multiplayer. I really don't care about single player part of the game, cus I have never finish any of the games(GR,DSand IT) I only play Multiplayer with my clan on TCZ. I really hope they bring the great Multiplayer experience we have back. I been playing this game since it came out and don't play anything else regularily, like I play GR(every single day, you can ask my wife,LOL)