ok, here it is. post 1000. this is where my sun sets over the horizon for the last time. i've met some great people here that i call mates, true mates. these people know who they are, so i dont need to bring names into it. GR has nothing for me left to offer, so there is no point hanging around to look like a bad smell. peeps have gone before me, and i always wondered why? simple really, you know when its time. to Rocky, i say thank you. your site has given me wisdom and most of all mates. for that i'm always in your debt. thank you. why post this in this thread, come on, i'm an aussie pure and simple. anyone care that i'm gone, who know's, and who cares. the peeps who know me know why, and to the rest, your time will come when you do the same. enjoy GR for all you can, and dont kill it by modding it. otherwise its an early death for you. to all here, stay safe first, and have fun. will i pop in for a look, not likely. will i post anymore, no. 1000 is it, always the number from day one. and now its here, and so be it. funny how things work out at times. anyway, enough rubbish i've spoke, so for the last time...............