It is broken... for a little while longer.
see it's short little tidbits like this that keep us hanging.
Now if you click to turn off voice quotes, does/will that turn off all the "order confirmation" replys also? Or if they spot something/someone?
Pretty sure I know this answer already but.....
I have more then 0 post in all these years but not many.
30 posts in over 4 years, heh, quality not quantity huh?
Most of what I know/need you'all have already asked /answered.
That is why I am still here...GREAT place.
I think it is great. Having a blast.
Just a couple things...
sure wish the guys would SHUT UP if they have nothing to do and also dont need the cheerleaders
Won't return fire/come out of recon when fired at....Poor Ramirez all I heard was "Captain I am taking fire" I kept thinkin FIRE BACK. Next thing I know he's dead.