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Posts posted by xFilter
I too would love to play GRAW2 online with you guys, if you don't mind add me my gamertag is Xfilter. I'll be honest though I'm not very good but I still enjoy playing with mature gamers.
Thanks Rocky.
Just a quick note (and I know this has nothing to do with your point) GRAW2 has now sold over 1 million copies. http://www.gamespot.com/news/6169767.html?...estnews;title;2
Has anyone seen sales data on GRAW2 for the first month of release?
Top 10 games for March 2007, based on number of units sold:
1. God of War II--PS2--833,000
2. Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2--Xbox 360--394,000
3. Guitar Hero 2--Xbox 360--291,000
4. Wii Play with Wii Remote--Wii--273,000
5. MotorStorm--PS3--199,000
6. Diddy Kong Racing--Nintendo DS--189,000
7. Spectrobes--Nintendo DS--165,000
8. MLB 2K7--Xbox 360--165,000
9. MLB '07: The Show--PS2--164,000
10. Def Jam Icon--Xbox 360--148,000
Interesting to compare the Live activity to that list. Though it was the second selling game, it has been fifth on the played list the past two weeks. That tells me people are losing interest in the game and putting it away. They are selling more games, but making a less compelling product. It is not creating the kind of dedicated fan that [GR] or even GR2 did.
Xbox 360 Top Live Titles (UU’s)
1 Gears of War
2 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas
3 Guitar Hero II
4 Call Of Duty 3
5 GRAW 2
6 Boom Boom Rocket
7 Crackdown
8 Oblivion
9 Pro Evolution Soccer 6
10 Madden NFL 07
GR2 is still 8th on the Xbox played list.
Original Xbox Top Live Games
1 Halo 2
2 Battlefield 2: MC
3 Counter-Strike
4 Madden NFL 07
5 Forza Motorsport
6 Call of Duty 3
7 Star Wars: Battlfrnt 2
8 Ghost Recon 2
9 Rainbow Six 3 BA
10 Rainbow Six 3
Comparing where GRAW2 is on one list compared to where GR2 is on the other list means nothing. You would need to find the actual number of people playing the 2 to really compare them. For one the number of people playing on LIVE on 360's I'm sure is more than double the number of people playing on LIVE on the original XBOX. There may be only 100 people playing GR2 on the XBOX and could still make the top 10 original Xbox live titles. To sell almost 400,ooo copies in it's first month of being released says alot about GRAW 2 especially when you consider GRAW itself is barely a yr old and is still popular on LIVE. I am willing to bet there are more people playing GRAW1 on live than there are playing GR2 and it did'nt even crack the top ten Xbox 360 Top Live Titles (UU’s).
Has anyone seen sales data on GRAW2 for the first month of release?
Top 10 games for March 2007, based on number of units sold:
1. God of War II--PS2--833,000
2. Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2--Xbox 360--394,000
3. Guitar Hero 2--Xbox 360--291,000
4. Wii Play with Wii Remote--Wii--273,000
5. MotorStorm--PS3--199,000
6. Diddy Kong Racing--Nintendo DS--189,000
7. Spectrobes--Nintendo DS--165,000
8. MLB 2K7--Xbox 360--165,000
9. MLB '07: The Show--PS2--164,000
10. Def Jam Icon--Xbox 360--148,000
Top 10 video games of 2006
Game / release date Platform; rating Units sold
1 Madden NFL 07 / August PlayStation2; E 1.8 million+
2 New Super Mario Bros. / May Nintendo DS; E 1.5 million+
3 Kingdom Hearts II / March PS2; E10+ 1.5 million+
4 Gears of War / November Xbox 360; M 1 million+
5 Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter / March 360; T 913,000+
GRAW (360) is a wonderful game but what is crazy is Gears is #4 and it was just released in November. It's good to be a 360 owner!
By the way thank you for the info.
the only good screenshot there is , is the last one
I have ALWAYS hated the orange atmosphere of GRAW's HDR. if the game were like the screenshot above, then I'd like it. But i notice that the game runs alot smoother when you turn off the post effects. I like the look of the console in that the road signs look like the ones in the US.
what would really rock, if they could do this for the pc crowd is, make the maps, then allow the editor to determine the draw distance and skybox.
but the user brings up the map, it should be blank like igor with [GR] and then the user can add the bases, code the mission and what not.
Mod Edit: Please LINK or use thumbs no wider than 500 pixels when including large images. Thanks.
Those are US signs, GRAW 2 takes place in El Paso, Texas as well in Mexico.
http://www.gameinformer.com/Magazine/Insid...A-F260921D6C82} Here's a few screens for the GRAW 2 (360) showing off the new lighting system where the light changes within the mission. Pretty nice stuff. There is also going to be weather effects where the rain leaves puddles in other words there will be real time lighting and weather effects according to the article.
like we've said a jillion times before, graphics mean ###### if there's no quality gameplay. so I see rain droplets hit a puddle..so freaking what.
Huh? I was just sharing some screens and news buddy.
http://www.gameinformer.com/Magazine/Insid...A-F260921D6C82} Here's a few screens for the GRAW 2 (360) showing off the new lighting system where the light changes within the mission. Pretty nice stuff. There is also going to be weather effects where the rain leaves puddles in other words there will be real time lighting and weather effects according to the article.
wow, there's ppl willing to buy GR:AW 2?
For the 360 yes sir!
I am not replying simply to rip the pc version it's been done plenty in here but please look at the facts, the 360 version was made by Red Storm which made the old GR and is a top notch game. Yes I agree no game is perfect but lets not compare the different versions, thats a slap to the 360 GRAW and unfair.
And it had night vision also, you have a option between thermal or night vision. Read your manual. Hold X then use d-pad to switch from thermal to night vision.
Please do not compare the PC version to the 360 version. I have both . Please keep in mind I am a PC gamer more than a 360 fan boy and the 360 version is nearly flawless. If the PC version was just like the 360 you would see more than a couple hundred playing online right now. The PC version sold very well yet there are less than 200 playing mp at one time? 360 version is massively popular online still today and its been out almost a year. Even after several patches the pc versions suffers big time. Like going prone? I am in a GR clan and we have trouble getting guys on to play twice a week and were GR fans. Anyways don't trust me read for yourself how well made the 360 version is. http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/926971.asp?q=graw
sir, I'm going to say this as politely as possible while still getting my point across.... There is NO way the 360 is flawless............ NO WAY ! ....... not even close
I'm not going to get into every reason becuase we'll argue till doomsday. But Ill just repeat a previously stated problem. You answer me this. If its sucha good game while are there 3 full on night missions and several other very dark/ half night missions and NO night vision ? .... just thermal... and not even a good thermal. Its pre schooler crayon drawn. Regular thermal you can perfectly still see inanimate objects and anything giving off heat is in different radiant colors and can still see where your going. Much like splinter cell or R6. What the heck is this fuzzed green crap they offer ? I mean, how the heck are you even suppose to properly play Strongpoint? its PITCH black ! So if the game is so great why is it like that ? I honestly can't stand to play the damn thing anymore. Its going back when I pick up vegas.
And the reason theres more people playing the 360 is because more people play 360s than there are PC gamers. Look how when they are released people camp out, just like with the PS3 and WII. When Dell brings out its new model of gaming PC like the XPS do you see camping out in front of Best Buy for that ? hell no. So dont rate a games quality on how many people are online at one time.
And last but certainly not least...... GRAW 360 is almost been played a year ??? what calender are you using ? Thing came out in march, its November now... march is the 3rd month of the year and November is the 11th. 11-3 = 8 .... thats 8 months its been out. there are 12 months in a year. So that means its been out a little over half a year. Dont exagerate.
It was released 3/7/06 . I said almost a year, Its now the end of Nov. And read the forums in here and you will see how well the pc version was recieved better yet play online and see how few still play it. Wishfull thinking gets you no where. If you want to net pick on how long its been out thats ok. 3/4 of a year sorry. Its still been out longer than the pc version no matter how you spin it.
Please do not compare the PC version to the 360 version. I have both . Please keep in mind I am a PC gamer more than a 360 fan boy and the 360 version is nearly flawless. If the PC version was just like the 360 you would see more than a couple hundred playing online right now. The PC version sold very well yet there are less than 200 playing mp at one time? 360 version is massively popular online still today and its been out almost a year. Even after several patches the pc versions suffers big time. Like going prone? I am in a GR clan and we have trouble getting guys on to play twice a week and were GR fans. Anyways don't trust me read for yourself how well made the 360 version is. http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/926971.asp?q=graw
A great mod can give games added life but for a mod to take off number one the game itself needs to be very popular or the game needs to be near the end of it's run needing a lift. The only problem with mods for GRAW at this point is there are at the most 200 guys playing online at one time. The GRAW community needs to grow big time before a mod will make it. Maybe I'm wrong but thats how I see it.
I did not expect GRAW to play like [GR] per say , but I did excpect the [GR] feeling from it.
The one thing I wanted out of GRAW was the intense feeling that [GR] brought to MP. Graphics were never an issue with me. The feeling of being pinned down behind a small dirt mound, knowing if you move 1 foot to either side your gonna die, the feeling of looking across an open space wondering if risking the run across is worth your life, and lastly the feeling of great teamplay over ventrillo or teamspeak.
[GR] was the last game I remember playing, where your teamates actually meant something to your survival. Communication was the key to success, not just a quick reaction with a nade launcher. Patience won matches, and rushing lost them.
I cannot say for sure that GRAW, does not have this, but I have not seen it yet. That may be due to the lack of gametypes, or the lack of people playing in matches, but it is not there yet.
In short, I wanted GRAW to have the same feelings [GR] brought me.
I think when TDM gets here, and people start making more maps like Tank, and the like, the game will get that feeling, but till then all I can do is cross my fingers.
My exact thoughts as well.
Why do so many of you cry about the big lunch box. Who the heck cares what new skins, game modes, missions, etc that the lunch box gets? The PC version will have modding tools, that means we can make what ever skin we want, custom missions, custom weapon models, just about anything. The lunch box may have more love from UBI, but lunch box owners can't even mod their current version of GR:AW.
Be happy that UBI is allowing GRIN to back us up (at least for one year). GRIN is going to be releasing a lot of new feaures for PC GR:AW over the summer. When their time is up, we'll still be modding and finding new ways to enjoy GR:AW.
Well I'm not crying because I have both version. But for the same price the 360 version is very polished, has triple the content including maps, mp modes and so on and more is on the way. They are adding 12 more maps, more weapons and 2 more mp modes on top of all the mp modes that came with the game (not a patch) and you say who cares? Are you sure youre not trying to make yourself feel better about the PC's version situation? Let's be honest if the PC version came with all the 360 version offered you would see alot more playing the PC's version online. Having said all this I love the PC version but please don't compare the two.
Great job tilliboy, thats the way they should look!
I too would like to say thanks for making what I feel is a great game. My standards were high after playing years of Ghost Recon and GRAW has surpassed my expectations. To be honest I thought the PC version of GRAW would fail, I was wrong. Thank you!
Farm,Village and Castle!
GRAW surpasses GR in almost everyway as far as single player goes. In a few days we will see how MP plays out but judging from the single player I'm sure it too will be as exciting. My copy should be in the mail so to all those buying the game I looking forward to playing with you online.(Would love to see some classic GR MP maps added in the future.
Is a New Map pack true ?
in GR:AW 2 - Xbox 360
Can we expect to see some (co-op) campaign missions along with more "classic maps" in future dlc?
The new map pack "imo" is well worth the 800 point's. I really like Moutain Falls and the updated Jungle Mines. Jungle Mines looks amazing!