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Everything posted by SCE_COB77

  1. Used for door breaches and maybe opening bottles!
  2. You guys are doing a fantastic job with the missions....keep up the great work! There are a handful (10) of guys over @ Shadow Company Elite that have re-installed GRAW2 because of your mission building....we are having a great time! Some of the others in SCE hearing what a great time we are having playing the missions, they are thinking about picking up the game themselves! The work you are doing is amazing.....keep them missions coming! THX Again, COB77
  3. Fantastic News.....I hope all the mods that have had blood, sweat and tears poured into them will be compatible!!
  4. Will any of the info from GRAW of the auto download be of help to try and implement in GRAW2???? Maybe a shot in the dark ...but who knows!!
  5. how did you do the walk through I guess started his own server and set it to start when server is ready, like always. lol you dont know how long i was trying to figure this out the other day LMAO...JJUK! I always set my game to only 1 player also! Hey does anyone know if it is possible to do "Fly thru's" not sure of the terminology? I know there was a mod you could do this in GR...but I can't for the life of me remember what that was called! Wolfiesinging...you know of any way of doing this in GRAW2?
  6. Just did a walk thru of this map....its froggin Awesome !! Great work P@po.....keep them coming!
  7. I wanna try these boyz out...can we get them uploaded to somewhere else for downloading?
  8. I wish the PC Gamers were as lucky as the Console thuds!
  9. This is also required by the server host as well.....right? Is this only for mission and coop play..mp and single?
  10. Patch out now..... http://patches.ubi.com/ghost_recon_advanced_warfighter_2/ ghost_recon_advanced_warfighter_2_1.04_to_1.05.exe 13-Feb-2008 16:28 THX GRINners for the PATCH! Man Tinker you beat me to it!!
  11. Niiiiiiiceeee....does the video have sound? I didnt hear anything...but video is great!! Excellent work Brett....
  12. That S*** looks Flippin great....can't wait to try this out!! Nice work......
  13. Wanted to try the maps and I cant get these 2 or green beret map to work!! Help! Sorry got it to work by copy and paste!!
  14. Anyone tried this map? I cant get it to work!! Help Got it to work by copy and paste...
  15. Still Love playing GRAW2....but we need NEW MAPS!! Come'on Patch.....Daddy needs some new content!
  16. Some of those maps remind me of Old GR Maps.....or maybe I'm just "dazed and confused"! IMO..... I think the hardest part of creating a NEW Map is the actual artistic creation, layout and the actual flow of said map. So with that said....you look @ all the beautifully created maps that we all know and love GR Maps, GRAW1 and the maps from the Xbox series(which I havent played nor will ever) THATS A BOATLOAD OF MAPS...that would make 2 or 3 map packs alone!! Conversion, Conversion Conversion.......MO Money, MO Money, MO Money!
  17. LOLOLOL...You trash talker Gripen!! Your Vuri bARSE is going down!!!!!
  18. We have 2 Euro players...several time zones for USA. We are on most of the time around 9:00 PM est - ?? - Which is 1:00 AM your time.. ..I think!! You can contact me sce_cob77@embarqmail.com or xfire = scecob77
  19. Great job 32_Fourmi...keep the screenies coming!!
  20. Team Name: Shadow Company Elite Team Tags: SCE Team Website: http://www.shadowcompanyelite.com Country: USA/Canada/EURO Team Contact: COB77 and Eagle1 You can PM either one of us @ the website listed above.. Contact Info: XFIRE: scecob77 , Email: sce_cob77@embarqmail.com Roster: SCE_COB77 SCE_Dalmantus SCE_Eagle1 SCE_Gamble SCE_Grunt SCE_IrishStout SCE_Izzy_Dz SCE_Incydyus1 SCE_Joker SCE_LTCmdrTyler SCE_Pfunk SCE_Phre@k SCE_Piston SCE_Quekel SCE_Ripper SCE_Rugin SCE_Serial_Killer SCE_Shaka SCE_Slaughter SCE_Sob3k SCE_TALON SCE_Tek-fu SCE_Vexed SCE_Vile SCE_Yasoumalaka
  21. They Pay$ for the Sand in their SANDBOX and if they don't want you in their SANDBOX.. .......thats their choice!!
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