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Posts posted by Rocky

  1. Okay here is how you color text.

    • Write your post out as normal
    • Go back and highlight the text you want to colour by left click and dragging your mouse
    • Pick a colour from the COLOR drop down menu

    Try that out :P

  2. Awe shucks, I'm getting a warm and fuzzy feeling all over.

    Apart from when I see people post some things don't work when they are working, and supposidly idiot proof! :o;)

  3. After being hacked and losing all our 60,000+ posts from our old forums we are back, with improved forum technology :D

    I want to state a public thank you to the guys who helped me get these forums up again, in particular Jester, Super Bob, Daywanderer, Whiteknight, and Yodasplat - who all performed some behind the scenes tasks to help with the forum rebuild.

    Feel free to post a new topic in this forum whenever you find a useful forum feature!

  4. Postcards From Peru

    Mod By Jack57

    Reviewed by Rocky (Version 1.0)

    Jack57's Joint

    Download Version 2.0 Here File Size : [3.6Mb]

    Walkthroughs : M01 | M02

    Type : 7 Mission Desert Siege Single Player Campaign

    Requires : Ghost Recon v1.4, Desert Siege, Island Thunder.



    Jack57 brought us the superb Saving Pilot Ryan mod a few months ago (watch out for v2.0 soon), so when I saw a new Campaign from Jack57, I didn't waste any time in loading it up. And I am glad about that.

    There are 7 brand new missions, based on Desert Siege maps. What's unique about this Campaign is the clever way Jack has tied them together with a Postcard theme, as explained in the excellent Readme.

    ... this campaign is a little different in that there are no formal military style briefings - instead there are letters, or postcards, which may describe the mission in the past or future tense (or a mixture of both), as if you where writing home to your family about your experiences. The postcards will usually give you all the information you need to play the mission (without spoiling any suprises! and will often be supplemented during the mission with orders and extra objectives.

    The Missions

    A key part of the Campaign is how they are all bound together by a cohesive and convincing story, as detailed in the Postcards.

    The Campaign kicks off with the Ghosts arriving at the Docks to collect their equipment. Proceeding to the Shipping Office though, it becomes apparent all is not as it should be when the staff come running out of the front door in an obvious panic. Entering the office another alarm bell sounds as a "gringo go home" warning is crudely painted on the walls. With the tension now measurable in kilo-volts, it's not long before the shipping office see's a little more action than docking slips being signed for.


    Explosives have more than one use....

    This short opening mission continues with one or two nice touches that I won't spoil here....

    Mission two see's a night insertion at the beach, where the Ghosts are met by a friendly soldier who leads them to a base camp full of allied soldiers. Unfortunately these soldiers are not well trained, and after supplying you with a suppressed weapon and a briefing, they remain by the camp fire as the Pro's set about the rebel forces over the hill.

    What I liked about this mission was the obvious replay factor. After playing it a few times it was obvious that the rebel forces were not going to react to the same situation the same way everytime. For example, in the first phase of this mission a single Ghost must infiltrate a captured Comms Centre, and secure it from the Rebel attempt to re-take it. Sometimes I could sit tight inside the Comms Station and pick them off as they tried to enter the building. On other occassions I would have to leave the building and hunt them down from around the perimeter. That was cool, but not the coolest thing.

    The coolest thing was something already mentioned in the Readme...

    ... this is more to do with the outstanding AI that GR has (even better now with patch 1.3), than anything I have scripted. The AI can be quite cunning at times. Like doubling back, flanking, strafing, throwing frag grenades, using grenade lauchers when equipped, going prone and lying in wait

    Both the enemy AI and friendly AI was superb in this mission. Although Jack57 makes apoint of not taking credit for this, the mission really does bring the best out in the AI.

    For example in the final phase of the mission, the Ghost's must clear the rebels from the Beach Camp, attacking from the North, down the east gorge. I had two teams set about 30 metres back from the top of the gorge, one dead centre, one team off to the east. Both teams set guns free, and watching the top of the ramp.

    Then I took my solo Ghost to the top of the hill, she only had 4 bullets left after her succesfull solo assault on the comms centre, so she was the bait! Firing her last 4 bullets down the gorge she turned and high-tailed in back to the safety of the two awaiting teams.


    The Ghosts Dig in


    Lambs to the Slaughter for a Prepared Force

    As the rebels came up the hill to investigate the gunfire, they threw up a grenade to clear the brow of the hill; luckily we were waiting just out of throwing range! As the grenade exploded infront of my troops I saw the three man team split. One ran forward, and went down on one knee behind a tree, the other two immediately went prone, scanning ahead of their colleague! Now, as the rebels advanced they were ruthelessly picked off one by one by the awaiting Ghosts - awesome stuff.

    What all of the missions have in common is that they are all very clever, very convincing and enjoyable. Nice use of pop-up mission updates and Non Player Characters add to the immersion of already atmospheric missions.


    This is the first full Ghost Recon modded Campaign released since Free Libya!, which totally impressed and scored highly. I'd put this in the same catagory as Free Libya! without any hesitation.

    The Postcard theme is a clever new take, and tastefully implemented (check the briefing screen alteration). The climax is suitably climatic, and has a nice touch to round it off well.

    This is a very enjoyable campaign, that joins the ranks of the few that can stand up and say "Here RSE - this is how you do it!"

    Suffice to say, this is without doubt the best 3Mb you could download for Ghost Recon this month. Well done Jack57 and your testing staff!

    Final Score, 9/10

    Fan Feedback

    "...download Post Cards From Peru don't hesatate" Russian Assasian

    "Now this is a MOD!!!!!!!!!!! This is what we need more of!! Great JOB!!!" cjcj97

    "Hey I just want to say it really kicks ****. Finally a new mod who really test the skills of the player." .FbM. PriZe

    "Thank you very much Jack. 1st class campaign. " xG5kdo

    "I'm very impressed." Earl

  5. If members can remember roughly their post count before the old forums got hacked, and a staff member can confirm that it is approximately correct - do you think we should reinstate post counts if members request it?

    Personally, I think we should.

  6. Yes access to it can be restriced to certain member groups. I was thinking consultants and up only. If a standard memebr wants a date posted for a GR event, they can request it from a Consultant.

    That was my plan.

  7. Check out those neat board Messenger features. A popup notification, a gtraph of usage, ability to cc the message to other members... and that's what I noticed after only a quick look - anubody notice any other cool features?

  8. Membership of these forums is split into 5 main Groups.

    • Administrators
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    • Consultants
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    • Members

    Administrators are the guys maintaining the Forum.

    Staff are members who work for GR.net producing reports etc

    Consultants are members with special skills recruited to assist with specific areas. They are also Forum Moderators, so don't annoy them.

    GR.net Supporters are upgraded Members who have donated to keep us online. They have special forum features open to them such as Posting Polls, Deleting their own post, opening and closing their discussions. Oh, and a neat badge. They also get access to a hidden forum where mods are released ahead of public releases, and some downloads are available off the GR.net server instead of Fileplanet. They also get free storage space and access to a system for uploading images and files to the space. More details here.

    Members are the fans - the people we run this forum for.

    Members are awarded Titles which are earned by post count. Posting messages just to increase your post count is frowned upon, don't abuse this feature!

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    2501...Ghost........1st Class

    Have fun!

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