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Posts posted by Rocky

  1. On 19/11/2021 at 19:25, 22Green said:

    A funny edit to one of the files in R6. My buddy put our heads soldiers haha i'm the one on the left. This was taken 20+ years ago. I can't even believe that. Feels like last week. I have a folder called RS_UO_RS with all the patches, add-ons, mods. I can't delete it or part with it lol Weird I know. One of my favorite mods if you will was having that Blue  Reticle instead of the default Red. Whoever made that was 👍


    Is that an actual in-game shot? We did the same thing but with cartoon character heads but I don't remember it coming out hi-res like that in the game.

  2. Todays #GHOSTRECON20 Anniversary update takes a brief look at the official expansion packs and the unofficial add-ons - Ghost Recon mods!

    By my count, our Ghost Recon mods database has served well over 5 million downloads, not bad!

    As part of the anniversary celebrations I will ship out one 64Gb USB packed with all of these mods to a lucky prize draw winner. To enter either leave a comment here, or leave a comment in the tweet here.


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  3. I found a discussion we had 5 years ago on the 15th GR birthday elsewhere in the forums and I thought I'd share this hilarious video made by Wombat. It's a video recording of a briefing by Alpha Squads member Ice25 to a group of Ghosts about to start a competitive co-op mission. It's hilarious because Wombat took the comms and edited them into ARMA because the ARMA characters can lip synch and had some cool animations. Made me laugh. It was great to hear ICE25's voice again too. I hope those Alpha Squad guys are doing okay, what great times we had playing their custom competitive co-op missions in Ghost Recon.


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  4. I'll admit it straight up, I already find the level of character detail and customisation in Breakpoint utterly bewildering. We have never seen such a level of customisation in any Ghost Recon game previously, so it's really interesting to hear that some fans are wanting more!

    Battle belts though - totally agree!


  5. 23 hours ago, Aranha said:

    Will it be proof that Ubi is "alive" and attentive to the Ghost Recon community?

    Absolutely, there are many fixes in Motherland that address community feedback/concerns.

    Together with the realism updates, Breakpoint really has edged closer to being a worthy successor to the original.

  6. 3 hours ago, Zeealex said:

    Hey Rocky,

    the only issue I'm seeing so far is the black logo is being used on the dark theme, happy to send over the logo .png files again if you need them :D

    Yeh, please, thanks.

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