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Posts posted by Rocky

  1. 6 hours ago, riyan234a said:

    It's hilarious because Wombat took the comms and edited them into ARMA because the ARMA characters can lip synch and had some cool animations. Made me laugh. It was great to hear ICE25's voice again too. I hope those Alpha Squad guys are doing okay, what great times we had playing their custom competitive co-op missions in Ghost Recon

    Yep, I loved playing co-op missions with Ice and the rest of Alpha Squad, fun times.

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  2. On 08/03/2023 at 16:30, Zebb said:

    Hi Rocky, how you doing mate?

    A few of the names and teams sound familiar but it could just be my dementia talking. :)

    I know what you mean, my memory is shocking these days haha!

    Nice to hear from you - still gaming? I had a fairly heavy stint an e-sports racing on ACC for a while, now I am getting into GT7 on PS5.

  3. Maybe I'm just grumpy today, and I get that some people want to use the internet while retaining privacy, but...


    When I'm spending my own time and effort and shelling out for the download server, and re-uploading hard to find mods every month, so people can download Ghost Recon mods for free - is it really to much to ask that your request even includes your name?

    Maybe I'm grumpy, maybe it's a UK manners thing, but I just find this a bit "off", ie, you're not getting my e-mail address, you're not even getting to know my name, but could you take 10 minutes out of your day and do this for me?

    Of course, I did. 

    Just wanted to moan about it. 😃

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  4. I always meant to put a list together like that. What’s also interesting is the number of unrelated but big-hitter sites that have disappeared while we have managed to stay online for over twenty years.  Even some corners of Ubisofts site head to dead end with old content long gone. When Ubisoft upgraded their discussion forums recently they wiped out years of discussions and started again from scratch! I spent many sleepless nights fighting with SQL databases years ago to prevent that from happening here  too big a job for Ubisoft apparently.  

    There are some ghost recon sites that remain though. There’s the mod archive at woodys that deserves recognition for staying online and there’s a couple of clan sites that keep their site open every year when domain name renewal comes around, credit to them too. 

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  5. Many are calling for it, but you might be right, nobody has predicted it because Ubi have steadfastly decided they will take Ghost Recon in new directions. I for one could not understand why they kept doing this instead of developing Ghost Recon's tactical history further, rather than taking it in a whole new direction.

    Then I remembered Rainbow Six Siege.

    Siege took R6 further from R6 roots than Breakpoint did with GR by a million miles - but it was and remains a huge success. So the old school (that include me) can moan about their favourite game isn't worthy of the name anymore, but Ubisoft is counting it as a success. Except the failed with Ghost Recon, so badly they pulled Frontline all together.

    I hope they have taken the dev time and those assets and are turning it into a game worthy of the brand, a game that takes Wildlands as a base and develops it even further to incorporate more of the features that made the first GR such a huge success.

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  6. When we first started what has become the biggest  Ghost Recon mod collection ever, the internet was a different place with different services. The services we used for mod downloads collapsed over the years (Filefront, Gamefront and others I can't recall) so on a few occasions we had to reupload every single mod to a new location to keep the mods online.

    More recently we relied on two file storage services, Godaddy's Sharefolder and Mediafire.

    Godaddy's sharefolder became really unreliable so we cancelled our membership there and now use only Mediafire. This means that some of the mod download links are broken. If a mod has a mediafire link, it will download - if it still has a Sharefolder link, it will just give an error message.

    Whenever someone reports that a file is not downloading, I go in and upload the file to Mediafire and update the link so that it is working again. So, it's a 50/50 chance selected mods will download at the moment!

    TLDR - Some mod links are broken and some work. We are fixing as we go.



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