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Yawn, continued.



I'm starting to miss the sun. Today I didn't get up until 1900. At least I get to stay up late and watch all the good shows on satelite. Reality TV rocks.I missed the dentist's appointment yesterday. Funny how you can register the alarm clock going off, shut it down and go back to sleep and then not remember any of it when you wake up six hours later. I do that all the time. Good news is I didn't have to pay for missing it. I just got a letter telling me to get in touch if I wanted to reschedule. If not, they'll just wait until it's time for my next annual check-up.So tired. And dizzy. Maybe I need food.Random thoughts:-I need to beat Need for Speed: Underground 2 soon. So close.. Yet it's getting somewhat boring, and I don't have much time for gaming nowadays. PC's still in my old room in my parents' house, and considering how late I get up, I don't have much time before they go to bed. Gaming isn't as fun with my crappy earplugs, and I can't just keep the speaker volume cranked up when they're trying to sleep one room away.-I really need to beat Half-Life 2 soon. Even closer to the end there, but then NFSU2 turned up.-I really, really need to beat Doom 3. I'm nowhere near the end there, and I'm scared to play it when it's dark outside. Err... Guess I'll have to start getting up in the morning again :P-Killzone sucks. I wish I'd read the good, useful reviews (Gamespy, Gamespot, etc.) before buying it. The norwegian reviews I read all praised it through the sky, but.. It sucked. The framerate is mostly unplayable, and I hate the PlayStation gamepad. God, that thing is nigh-on impossible to aim with. Which is why I couldn't really enjoy SOCOM either, despite loving the game itself. That's 600NOK down the drain. Played for five minutes, never again. I thought I'd learned from the whole Soldner incident.At least I didn't turn down another game for it. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, apparently, isn't released around here until March next year. Suckage. And I haven't seen Metroid Prime 2: Echoes in the shops yet. So, Killzone was pretty much the only option anyway. I'm not buying Ghost Recon 2 on the XBox as long as I know people who will get it soon - and then I can just borrow it from them. I already wasted money buying the two Splinter Cell games on XBox, only to buy them again for the PC a couple of weeks later. Keyboard/mouse is so much superior to gamepads.The XBox controller rocks, though. Halo, Halo 2, Chronicles of Riddick, Rainbow Six, Mace Griffin, and so on are actually playable. Killzone, on the other hand.. Euch. I moved around like I was having a seizure. Maybe if I managed to connect an XBox controller to the PlayStation 2. Hmm...Ah well. Time for face-stuffage. Food.. good. Beer.. good. Mmm, beer.


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