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Ghost Recon 2.



I'm not sure where I stand. As a PC gamer primarily, I had to eval GR2 on a console I do own, but do not, as a rule, play FPS games on.Level design? Dodgy. So many maps, so little variance. Only four of the SP maps differ from the 'generic woodlands' style, as I recall. Those four are well designed, but I miss Embasy, or a similar style. Other than a couple of hangars, there are no buildings that one enters. Sure, I know the military unit in question does not do much CQB by design, but as a game, it's lacking.I do wish I had a better TV though. That might have been the problem. Other than the Lone Wolf missions, which are well implemented, it's a save or die game. I never saved while playing GR1 for PC. Never, ever. I had no luxury on the Xbox GR2 title. No saving, no chance.The weapon loadout is slim, but understandable. A lack of silenced weapons was a concern, but as the missions tend to be "kill `em all" a quiet approach isn't as big a deal as it was in GR1. Sure, you can unlock weapons, but it's still a thin offering.I'm not certain if GR2Xbox is a true sequel... yet. I will purchase the PC offering, I will play it in SP and MP, but I'm reticent so far. RSE... I have no doubt this title will sell like mad, but I wonder if it's the first potential flop in a long series of gold titles.Just my take, of course.


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The weapon loadout is slim, but understandable. A lack of silenced weapons was a concern, but as the missions tend to be "kill `em all" a quiet approach isn't as big a deal as it was in GR1. Sure, you can unlock weapons, but it's still a thin offering.

Well, GR1 was hardly a stealth-oriented game itself. None of the stock characters had any SD weapons except pistols, and even the specialists only had MP5SDs (pre-IT). People tend to look at GR as a stealth game because of all the stealth tourneys and things that it begat, but I don't think GR was ever intended as a stealth game.

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Valid points, but GR2 does not give you "stock characters" in the same way GR1 did. Every Ghost is presented as a specialist. Also, the lack of any supressed weapons in SP other than two pistols carries over to MP. I got my laddering start as an MP5SD carrying sensor (female dog) for my team.

Going in silent wasn't the raison d'etre for GR1, but it was at least somewhat an option. Not so with GR2.

Still, that's small part of my chagrin at GR2Xbox. There's no dynamic aspect to the gameplay at all. No list of objectives to acheive, just a one after the other list. You cannot secure objective one, then three, then two. In GR2, you only get one objective, which might change while you're halfway to it, to something to shoot first, before you get to the one thing you're supposed to do. Nothing wrong with changing objectives on the fly, but it's a linear change. You know on the start of a mission that once you get close enough to your given target, something else will happen causing you to have to divert. Once that's done, it's back to what you were just trying to do.

GR1 gave you the choice of how to approach a given mission. GR2 has removed that, from what I experienced. The lack of squad waypointing even takes more away, as if you could direct a fire team via command map, you could at least, on replay, try to cut off objective #2 before it happens. There's no way in GR2 to really play a mission twice and get something fresh out of it.

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