Ghost Recon 2.
I'm not sure where I stand. As a PC gamer primarily, I had to eval GR2 on a console I do own, but do not, as a rule, play FPS games on.Level design? Dodgy. So many maps, so little variance. Only four of the SP maps differ from the 'generic woodlands' style, as I recall. Those four are well designed, but I miss Embasy, or a similar style. Other than a couple of hangars, there are no buildings that one enters. Sure, I know the military unit in question does not do much CQB by design, but as a game, it's lacking.I do wish I had a better TV though. That might have been the problem. Other than the Lone Wolf missions, which are well implemented, it's a save or die game. I never saved while playing GR1 for PC. Never, ever. I had no luxury on the Xbox GR2 title. No saving, no chance.The weapon loadout is slim, but understandable. A lack of silenced weapons was a concern, but as the missions tend to be "kill `em all" a quiet approach isn't as big a deal as it was in GR1. Sure, you can unlock weapons, but it's still a thin offering.I'm not certain if GR2Xbox is a true sequel... yet. I will purchase the PC offering, I will play it in SP and MP, but I'm reticent so far. RSE... I have no doubt this title will sell like mad, but I wonder if it's the first potential flop in a long series of gold titles.Just my take, of course.
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