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Another lovely day at Woolies....NOT



Today has been yet another pretty ######ty day at work, not that it's unbareably warm any more but simply because I had to do an extra long shift. 11 grueling hours packing boxes, starting at 4AM, can get anyone in a bad mood...especially when the ppl you work next to are lazy bas*ards and you have to carry a fairly big part of their workload too :angry: Haven't had much time for the vehicle model today but I've atleast started mapping it in preparation for painting a texture.Sun, 21st Nov, mapping has started...black&white checkered parts are mapped, grey still waiting to be mapped. Should get the rest of the mapping done tomorrow, unless I crash out totally after another 10 hour day at work :( Snow


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Saw an ad on TV for woolies new system of quicker and more efficient stock management or something. Where the stock is fresher and on the shelves faster.

Looks like you get the a.rse end of that deal mate :P

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I sure get the a.rse end of the deal mate!

And that might just be the add that partly was filmed in the warehouse where I work...they shut the place down nearly a whole day while they did the filming. If you see it again look very close and you might just see me...yay...I'm a movie star! LOL :rofl:

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