Sunday, what a day. Overcast and looking like it's going to pore down. Must be an Army ex on on somewhere. After all this hot weather we've had (ref Snow's Blog) I'm glad for cooler temperatures.
Had a good sleep last night got 6 hours sleep- thats a record for this week
and with 3 days off-will need all that sleep I had as well. Looking forward to Tuesday night so we can have our weekly bash at VBS1. (Note more often than not it ends up being more than one or two nights a week). Working weekends is strange- no VBS1 with the boys from USA/ Canada or the locals who have the day off. No "Beer Breaks"....
Personally hoping GR 2 for pc will be what people are hoping it will be- for the communties sake. Otherwise it will bode badly for future RSE titles. I really think [OFP: DR] will be a GR-2 KIller esp if GR 2 doesn't live up to peoples perceptions and hopes.....
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