18 Month Anniversary with Girfriend And I'm stuck at work
Such is life. Had some good games with Dekela and 30G last night. Got stuck into some quick missions.Laid some nice ambushes, brought the OPFOR right into a kill sack and let em have it. Dek's with a supressed M4 and myself with a good oversight with a Sniper system the Aussie SR-98 (based on the AI AW). Took out a section fairly easily actually I between Dek's and msyeld we also sorted any runners that decied to turn tail after most of their unit was wiped out. Also took out some armour courteousy of RPG's off dead OPFOR. Only bad thing about VBS so far is IFV's and lighter armoured targets blow up with one RPG usually- this has been redressed in ADF2 where the ASLAV's and other IFV's have realistic damage systems in face of AT. Might take it out in one shot mobility kill or take out some of pax in back etc... random dependent on RPG hit location.And this will be implemented in future vechiles as well. Though the good ole Javelin takes out MBT's on first shot....
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