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Old vs. New Debate Part 5 - Summary

Scott Mitchell



FROM: Scott Mitchell, futuresoldier@ghostrecon.net

TO: Undisclosed Recipients


SUBJ: Summary (Part 5)

As this blog series draws to a close, I've learned and understand some of the different perspectives and how passionate some of the fans are about the series.

I think there are a few key events that really divided the community and left it where we are today. The obvious and probably most damaging event was the cancellation of Ghost Recon 2 for PC. Obviously anytime a game company advertises a product is going to be released for a certain platform and then cancels it, there is bound to be repercussion felt within the community. There certainly was here at www.ghostrecon.net. Ghost Recon 2 was the first time I ever really boycotted a game. I had an Xbox so I could've played it; and eventually I did. But it was many years later and long after the game was in the bargain bin.

The next major event that further divided the community was the release of Advanced Warfighter. Not only is this the first time that the game play was significantly changed, it was also the first time that a major emphasis on advanced technology was included in the game. Through somewhat lengthy but always amicable discussions with forum regulars over at www.ghostrecon.net, it becomes apparent that the drift from the open ended game play to a shooter on rails that corals you along coupled with the futuristic kit, left many of the fans extremely dissatisfied.

The final event that likely sealed the deal for many was the feeling (whether actual or perceived is irrelevant) that Ubisoft representatives turned their backs on and ignored the community and their concerns with the series. The www.ghostrecon.net site has long enjoyed official representation from the developers and public relations personnel - who have the difficult task of promoting their game while addressing community concerns and pleasing the fans. This will invariably always result in a part of the crowd feeling neglected when their concerns aren't addressed.

The last real remnant of the true Ghost Recon was the expansion pack "Island Thunder" which was released in 2003. Since then the series has evolved, but definitely in a fragmented fashion. This debate has been raised each time a sequel has been released. Advanced Warfighter was a totally new approach in the series, and it appears it's once again time for a new direction.

My personal feeling is that Future Soldier is going to be as big as difference from Advanced Warfighter as Advanced Warfighter was from Ghost Recon. I have a feeling that GRFS is going to much more resemble Splinter Cell Conviction than Ghost Recon.

One thing is for certain...some will love it, some will hate it - the game will evolve and the community will fragment a bit more. Even if the game is an overwhelming success...and even if it is the Game of the Year, it will never be Ghost Recon. That chapter retired seven years ago and in all probability will never resurface again.

Happy Hunting...no matter which game you decide to play.


Scott Mitchell, futuresoldier@ghostrecon.net


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