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OXM Summary...

Scott Mitchell



FROM: Scott Mitchell, futuresoldier@ghostrecon.net

TO: Undisclosed Recipients


SUBJ: Official Xbox Magazine Summary

This bit of information (again, none of it is really new) comes from the May 2010 issue of Official Xbox Magazine. I’ve read the article a time or two (or five) and was going to wait on posting anything about it, but with all the other press releases that came out yesterday piled up on my desktop, it’s time to get something on the street about this now or else go further behind. It is very similar to the information released yesterday.

I’m going to be honest. While I try and be completely neutral with regards to Future Soldier, its relationship in the series and the inclusion of all the high tech gear, I was a little concerned and somewhat disappointed with this article. I’m sure many of you who are already hesitant of Future Soldier will be even more so.

A summary and my thoughts provided below (I’m only going to comment on those things that weren’t previously discussed already or perhaps those items that have new details or a different perspective):

Release Date: Holiday 2010 (we’ve seen OCT 01, 2010, Fall 2010, November 2010 and now Holiday 2010.)

“The Ghosts are now genuinely athletic…makes the shooter far more reminiscent of Gears of War than of previous Ghost games.”

Shoulder mounted rocket launcher – not just for tanks but people too.

Drones can be loaded out with upgrades and offensive weapons. While we already knew it was going to be armed, it will be interesting to see what kind of upgrades they plan to include on a drone.

“Moments when you’re placed in civilians shoes are an opportunity to strip the player of their reliance on the Ghosts’ sophisticated gear and portray the human side of war.”

I assume this refers to the portions of the game where instead of cut scenes you play the parts, similar to Modern Warfare 2. For example we already know you get to play as the Russian President’s body guard during the coup scene. My guess is you’re not going to make it…heh heh.

In multiplayer the drone becomes playable as a 5th class. (Abilities and agility greatly reduced – can’t take cover.) Also, the US version of the drone is the Hammer. In a previous report where the term Hammer appeared in the targeting screen of the drone, I assumed the enemy drone was called the Hammer but apparently that wasn’t correct.

According to the magazine, when “you’re not cloaked you look utterly ridiculous – like a grown man hiding under a bath towel”. Well, that doesn’t sound very encouraging.

Cross Com. “While the interface for the new Cross Com hasn’t been finalized, it still provides you with “intel” markers for detected enemies. If you’re teamed up with other Ghosts, their designated targets will appear here, too.” Pink diamonds, anyone?

“Ubisoft says that its aim is to use the teammate A.I. to make the squad feel like they have 10 to 12 years of military training.”

A.I. – the new system watches where the player is heading and adapts the A.I. so they follow like soldiers…Ubisoft has enough faith in the system that Future Soldier doesn’t even include the option to give specific directions to computer controlled players.

The article provided more details on the link up function that Ubisoft developers are hoping will “transform team-based multiplayer modes”. It appears that the team leader will “move” the group that is linked together, and the squad mates will be free to spot and shoot at bad guys. While the concept sounds intriguing, my concern is the statement that class unique talents and abilities are shared among the group. So if a character has the thermoptic camouflage and enables it, then the others that are linked in also get cloaked. Normally the Ghost equipped with a shoulder mounted rocket launcher can only target and fire one rocket, but when linked in with others, then anyone in the group can designate targets and fire their own rocket. Uh, say what?!?

The articles says, “Not particularly realistic, we agree, but it encourages teamwork…”

“One piece of equipment the developers mentioned was a device that can blow up improvised explosive devices using sound waves.”

While I think IEDs can add a certain degree of realism to the game, I hope since they’re taking the time to create tech to counter the IEDs that they aren’t implemented with overkill. An IED around every corner would get old. I also wonder if IEDs and counter-IED tech is used, if it will be available in multiplayer. I can imagine one team going to set the IED and the other using the noise maker to detonate it and kill the guy as he arms it.

And…probably the most troubling part of the article…the conclusion…

“Our feelings are a bit mixed…we can already hear lifelong Ghost Recon fans prepping to hit Internet forums with cries of outrage (already happening LOL)…while GRAW and its sequel occasionally dipped into the realm of the fantastical with all of their future-ology, these two recent games never quite plunged into unreality (that’s debatable, I suppose)…Future Soldier includes much more “gamey” logic and contrivances – enough to make us ponder whether the balance has been maintained. Without a doubt, this sequel is a far cry from where the snipe-y series began.”

“Can Ubisoft pull the same trick twice, turning Ghost Recon into a shooter that plays like a mix of Gears of War and Modern Warfare, with an added tech-y twist?”

Cries of outrage, anyone?


Scott Mitchell, futuresoldier@ghostrecon.net


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