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I should buy stock...



In the St. Joseph's Health Centre.

Another long night in the ER. Except for the horrible music videos on the television in the lobby, and the guy screaming all night from the main emerg room (I was in ambulatory care), it wasn't much worse than dull. At least I got some good meds out of it.

It's amazing. I've spent the entire past week bouncing between severe discomfort to poignant agony. Finally decide to check myself in, and an hour later, the morphine flowed in, and the pain has been gone since. Why did I wait so long?

Ah well. At least I've got a scrip now, so I don't have to be so foolish about it next time.


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Are you guys in the USA allowed diamorhpine? I seem to recall hearing it was banned in most countries, apart from the UK.

That's cool the meds worked for you though, as diamorphine did squat for me.

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Diamorphine is legal for parenternal use in Canada, although it's very rarely prescribed, as it has no significant benefit over Hydromorphone, and can in fact be more dangerous, since it's really just pharmaceutical grade heroin.

I've got no clue if it's available to the US populace, legally at least.

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