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Don't work in a hospital



its like a convenient store, its open 24hrs in a day, and like the movie "Clerks" if someone calls in, you have to stay. Regardless of what kind of BS lame excuse that person who is suppose to relief you from your shift.I hate mandatory OT/stay over. :wall: Anyone else that has this kind of policy at work?


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Nothing like that at my work. I couldn't work in a hospital though, I can't even watch those hospital documentary type shows on telly.

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Ouch ... yes, I used to work very closely with a company that staffed hospitals with per diem nurses. Although w/ OT, I have seen specialty nurses rake in close to a 6 figure salary!

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well that Mandatory OT just push the real life Bruce Banner to the edge. <_<

I spoke up, but forgot my big stick. So nuttin nice came out.

I'm officially joining the rest of the unemployed.

Thats the negative news.

The positive news is, I get to spend more time with the missus and hopefully something positive will come out of this, and maybe, just maybe beat GRAW with its deadline and get ourselves a little rug-rat. I think, this stress free environment is what I needed to get my missus pregnant.

no more driving 1.5 hrs driving commute.

no more filling the gas tank every 3 days

no more oil change that frequently.

no more mandatory overtime

no more late vending machine raids.

hell maybe more PC game time. :rofl:

well maybe after I fill out a couple of online applications.

Wish me luck.


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Tough break ... some people say things happen for a reason - to that, I call bulldoodoo. I will however say that things have a tendency to sort themselves out.

Congratulations and best of luck, Cpl!

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I thought this free time given to me, I could do a lot of things. But this goddannd weather is making it worst for me. Plus what do you do when you do go out when your unemployed? Spend? Spend what?

I want to go to Borders or Barnes and Noble to browse around.

No can't do that! I might buy something I don't need.

Coffee at $3. Brew it at home. Shoot, just bought a new Braun coffee maker too with some ground Moroccan coffee. Can't drink it, might get too hyper and spas around the house.

PC gaming. I'm getting nauseated again running around.

Porn? Seen one seen all.

Play some old GR games, actually try to finish YOTM. Again, getting nauseated.

House chores? Pass see any new porn site instead. Click. Seen that too. Go to fridge and see if any Heinekens are left untouched. Oh, last piece on a Tira Mi Su. Hmm goooood.

Before it takes all day to find a hospital job. Now, you fill one out one online form it applies you to a networked hospital. Saved gas and the ozone.

Fill out some more online. What 6 more hours in a day.

Maybe I'll do laundry. See if any new porn sites again.

Seen that.

That too.

Lets see if Rocky and Zjj released their interview instead.


Go to AGR-S. Same old post. Lifers.

Lets go to Newegg and see whats on sale. Nope can't afford those. Back to porn sites. Nope, nothing new.

Back to Humor sections and see if any new post.

Nothing, nada.

What else is in the fridge........... <_<

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