Little known facts about me
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I am of the female gender classification.
I was born and raised in WI.
I am a middle child from a family of 8 kids.
I grew up on a dairy farm. We had lots of cows, pigs, chickens, cats and dogs.
I left home when I was 14.... no I didn't join the circus.
At the tender age of 12 I went deer hunting with a rifle and got a 6 point buck.
I was a turboprop engine mechanic while in the Air Force.
While in the air force I shot "marksman" on my M16 qualifications.
I enjoy target practice with pistols, rifles and bow and arrows.
I enjoy cross country skiing.
I own 4 golden retrievers, but only 3 live with me. Down to one now.
I have a cat now named Mercedes.
I have two children that will be the death of me, yet.
My website for Golden Retrievers. The site is currently down, we won't go into why here. I am remotivated to work on my site again so I hope to create something again. Site is permanently down.
I'm old enough to have two grown children and a grandson. Boy do I feel old. *sigh*
I currently have three jobs - Office manager for a consulting firm, a bookkeeper for a medical society, and a sales associate in the electronics department of a major retail store.
I own a XBox 360 with a gamer tag of ZJJr. I play R6: Vegas, GRAW, GRAW2, Sonic, Guitar Hero and want to get DiRT soon.
I'm buying a slightly used (1 year old) computer so I don't have to share with my son.
I have people reading my boring blog!
I'm not a habitual blogger.
I have season tickets to the Biltmore House.
I love Schwan's ice cream.
More little know facts to follow.
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