Killing myself
On MSN with macnamee tonight:This is what happens when you wallow in your own filth for too long...
Dan: okj ###### did i just esat?Dan: i thought it was choco;ate crumbs, but now i have a weird taste in my mouthMac: lol!Mac: where did you find it?Dan: in amongts some choccy wrappers, i just ran my findger on the tableMac: nice... :SDan: hmm not veryDan: oh god!Dan: i just washed it down with some coke from a can that is god knows how old, and tasted like old sugary teaMac: lmao!Dan: *vomit vomit*Mac: i think i might go get some fresh coke and a nice choc barMac: yes..Mac: ..yes i willMac: brbDan: kDan: ill just sit here and die
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