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another year of decisions



With the recent addition of Audigy2 ZS to my pc, I have been busy playing GR/DS/IT all over again. My futile attempt to garner some opinions on what are the best maps to experience this soundcard, is miniscule, but so much appreciated.All of the maps are good!Now I'm uninstalling/reinstalling mods like crazy and trying to see which will stay on my mod list.HalfLife2/Full Spectrum Warrior/Colin Mcrae 3-4-5 demos are also keeping me busy and trying to see what games I'll be watching inside the clearance bin at local EB stores. Taking precious time away from my Photoshop duties to see the holiday pics we've taken.My old Falcon-NW 1Ghz Pentium with GF MMX card is acting up. Which I hope one day p**off my wife (she uses to surf) so we can go ahead and upgrade. Which might get kicked off to the side again, since we're busy upgrading our new place.WE NEED:1) 2 Ceiling fans2) One kitchen Island light3) 3 pendant lights4) 16 windows to dress up (blinds and curtains) one for patio door too 5) pay last years bills6) baby(ies) getting too oldWE WANT:1) recessed waterfalls2) 12 recessed low-voltage lights3) storm door (installed) to match our window shutters (good luck)4) bookcase to our growing collection of DVDs5) 2 rear surround speakers to add to our 5.1 set up 6) RobomowerDecisions, decisions, decisions...2005....bring it on!!!! :o=


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