Stay away from the official Lockdown console forums! This is your last warning, I think I've lost about 20 IQ points in the course of a day.Seriously, you mental health is at stake!
Gotta love how people flex their "e-muscles", ie. the ultimatums and threats now rampant on the UBI GR2 Console forums....OMG'z!!! UBI sUkZors, nO pAhct Liers!!!. Gotta love the people who claim to have returned the game, but still won't stop acting like a fool, arguing over and over, thinking there is some giant consipracy being played out by RSE and Ubi. This blog may end up becoming the "Anti-UBI Forum Posters" Blog....I now know why devs. would be extremely hesistant to post anything, you g
The past 3-4 days I have been totally amazed by the complete and utter chaos which are the UBI run forums for both GR2 and R6:4. The amount of useless, out of line posts that are allowed to continue, it makes your head spin. The things that ###### me off the most aren't just the people who have been banned before returning (and I mean 4-5 accounts *sigh*), its those who think the games are rushed (I guess two years of work is is too little??) and bug ridden, or that nothing this "poorly done"
Arrrggghhh had to do a "closing argument" in my Business Law Class mock trial today. It was horrible, I froze like a statue then proceeded to mumble, stumble over my words and shake like a leaf. It was horrible! Funny part was, we actually won the case rofl.
Ya know what kinda sucks.... GR2 Xbox is shipping today.... lucky console players.... I hope they have fun...its gonna be a tough few more months. If you haven't noticed already my blog is extremly boring.
Got class in the morning.... *sigh* ....and I still have my fun...oh did I mention I almost boke my right index finger? It hurts... what a great weekend rofl.