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Rocky's Blog

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Stuff I can't put on the front page :op

Entries in this blog

Karate Do My Way of Life

For the 3rd time I find myself reading Karate Do My Way of Life by Gichin Funakoshi. Each time I read it I get something different from it, it's an amazing book.It's written by the founder of modern day Karate, specifically Shotokan Karate, and is a retelling of his life and the evolution of Karate. Let me share a section with you..., he had just left a Tokyo train station to walk the rest of the way home when he was set up by a man intent on stealing what little Funakoshi was carrying...".... t



The Scene

The Scene is a fictional series currently being released on the internet. I initially saw it in a magazine where they made it sound like it was for real, but having watched the first 3 episodes it's clearly a work of fiction - but it is pretty cool.The story is about a group of netheads who get their kicks encoding movies to release on the web before anyone else, stuff like the new Exorcist movie or Spiderman 2. They want to be the first on the scene to get their hands on an illegal copy straigh



EA Sucks

I gotta tell ya, I am freaking stressed right now, I mean REALLY FREAKING STRESSED.Why?I can't bring myself to type it all out, I just want to go and lie down in a dark room with a pillow over my face. I mean, all I wanted to do was login in to the EA forums for some game support. Before I ever went, I just KNEW it wasn't going to let me login, I fricking KNEW.Here's what I posted in their stinking forums when after TWENTY BLINKING MINUTES I eventually got logged in.



Reality TV

Right now there are only 2 TV programmes that I watch every week, only 2 shows that take me away from this 19" CTX monitor - and they are both reality TV shows.The first has been running for a few weeks and features multi millionaire Alan Sugar selecting a new executive from a pool of supposedly up and coming hot shot execs, and it's called The Apprentice.Each week the group is split into two, given a task (like selling art) and the winning team is safe. The losing side has 3 members selected to



Finished Deception Point

This book was different from Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons, but the same. It was the same because Dan Brown obviously has a formula and he is sticking to it. Take one male lead, one female shadow, one mystery bad guy only unmasked in the last few pages, and add 3 or 4 other lightweight characters. Mix in a plot revolving around a current "hot" or "in" topic, and that's a Dan Brown book. Deception Point has all those. What is doesn't have which makes it different, is the multiple twists and



Car repair bills

I've had the same BMW for about 7 years now, so I am used to the servicing bills. I get it serviced at the official BMW dealership because they are thorough and if they make a mistake (like they do), they do tend to react positively to my complaint, unlike a back street garage that might be more inclined to give me the run around.When it went in for it's oil service recently I got them to replace a smashed fog lamp lense while it was in. I priced the lens and knew it was £40, and guessed that fi



Dan Brown's Deception Point

Today I've made a big dent in Deception Point. If reading a book was like going for a walk, up until today I'd been out for a leisurely stroll. The book really did not have the pace of the other two I've read. Now I am entering the final third of the book though, I'm out on a full blown sprint. It's really starting to pick up pace now.It's definately the slowest starter of the three, I'm not sure if this was his first or second book. If I had read this one first I probably would not have gone o




Great news today as I read that a last week Microsoft announced they will not be charging Windows XP SP2 owners to use their great antispyware tool. It really goes against my grain to think I'd have to pay for something to stay clear of rubbish like spyware invading my system through sneak tactics. So this was a really welcome surprise.What made me laugh though was news that in the same week Microsoft made this announcement, they had to pay out and publically apologise to a website that was wron



Dan Brown Books

I've just finished my 2nd Dan Brown book - Angels and Demons. The first one I read (in record time) was The Da Vinci code.The Da Vinci Code is an amazing book, it tells a fascinating fictional story based around factual locations and societys. The massive interest in the book spawned a whole Da Vinci Code industry that has spawned countless other books that investigate the contents and try to separate the fact from the fiction. Sony are going to be distributing the movie based on the book someti



Rocky wins at Mosport!

Today I won my first ever Nascar race in Red Sector's Racing League! I don't usually even come close, but today I was on fire! I won the qualifier but some strange quirk of fate put me to the back of the starting line up. Undeterred I managed to make my way to the front and take the race. Teammate NYR came in 3rd, so that was two GRNET racers in the top 3!Great stuff.




Well this weekends gaming was pretty much disastrous.Friday nights Ghost Recon match wasn't too great. We were two or three men down and that cost us dearly (not to mention the lag). It's still good to play with the rest of the team, but annoying when points slip away like that.Then today at Nascar racing I was looking GREAT for a 4th place, which is damn good for me by the way, when BANG a slight accident infront of me, put my car into the wall and out of the race with only about 20 laps to go!



This weekends gaming

Gaming started early this weekend with a Ghost Recon game in the Omega Coop Tournament last night. I cant say too much about it as all the scores have not be announced yet, but we had a blast even though there were 1 or 3 setbacks out of our control.Today I really want to squeeze in some Joint Operations to see what all the fuss is over this new patch that NovaLogic released, then quickly offered a roll back on due to public "outcry". I also want to fit in some Doom3 havoc as that games been gat



First Entry

Thanks to Super Bob for setting up our own Blog here at GhostRecon.net. The Blog is now up and running and undergoing live testing. Members who have access to the blog can use it as their own public (or personal) diary.What'll be appearing in Rocky's blog? Who knows... maybe a list of daily tasks I undertake at GR.net, giving you an insight into what goes on behind the scenes. Maybe some thoughts that are best kept off the news page, but that I really have to get off my chest. Maybe some unrelat



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