This week I joined the widescreen gaming community with the purchase of a 20" Samsung 204BW. While games are really awesome, there was one thing bothering me, and that was text ; reading text just isn't as easy or comfortable as it was on the trusty old CRT. Trying to resolve this "issue" led to an educational Google chase and an interesting call to Samsung support. Anyway, in my usual fashion, I got a strange impulse to document the whole thing, so here goes - if anyone stumbles upon this while
I'm going to expand on this later, but for now here are my top two one reasons why the 360 sucks.
1. Bear with me here... it's a console; console's are primarily aimed at and bought by people who for one reason or another do not have a (gaming) PC. The reason these people probably do not have a gaming PC is because they cannot justify the cost of building/buying a PC with enough juice to run the latest games. Remember that demographic, and recall it again in a sentence or two.
Now consider
It's been a few months since we've been to the cinema, so when I saw all the great write ups for The Departed, we made a date and went to see it on Sunday. things have changed slightly since last we were went to the pictures though....
When I paid for the tickets, I was asked if I wanted Premier Seats. Not knowing what the heck that was I asked, and told they were £1 extra over the normal price, and were a group of seats in the centre of the auditorium. I passed, and said I check them out fo
The red paint on my car has been blooming for a few years now, to the point it is now called "the pink panther" by people who like to tease me about it.
The problem with the paint is two fold - the laquer and the paint itself. The laquer on this car is extremely tough, most cars this age don't have the factory laquer intact, it has long worn off due to environmental effects and either years of polishing or years of neglect.
The good news about cars where the laquer has worn off is that the
My recent boot HD failure made me re-think my backup strategy, which at the moment can be summersied in one hyphenated word, ad-hoc.
In addition to all the usual PC backups everyone has to think about, I also have all the backups required by my websites. When I first started making websites, there was no need to backup, as the website code on the webserver, was the same files on my HD, so the site in itself was a backup. Now though there are SQL databases and dynamically created pages to worr
Well, after a few weeks offline, I have finally got the Blog back online. It was quite simple in the end, buy a new license, get IPB support to upgrade the Blog to the latest version with all new features and security improvements, and fix up a couple of images!
Another job to scrub off the list... until next time!
Karate Jutsu (Hardback) arrived today, happy days!This completes my collection of Funakoshi books. This is is special because it is actually the first book authored by Funakoshi, and the version I have is the first fully authorised version, translated impeccably by John Teramoto.The reason this book is so special is that although Kyohan and Nyomon are technically more detailed, niether of them have photographs of Funakoshi doing the techniques. Karate Jutsu does, every photo is Funakoshi demonst
I suddenly realised on Thursday that my fine was due to be paid today (Saturday) and I had not received an answer from the Police to my letter asking for the fine to be cancelled.So I phoned the Central Ticket Office and asked them what the status was. At first the guy said a reply had been sent out, then he said "oh no here it is, it'll be with you on Monday". To which I replied"that's no use, I have to pay the fine by this Saturday"But apparently when you lodge a request like I did, the 21 day
So today was the day that my Belkin gear arrived so I could set up a wireless network. Objective : Get onto XBox Live and enable wifi on my PSP.I got the router setup easy peasy. Belkin have to be congratulated on their idiot proof installation guide.The client bridge however was DOA (Dead On Arrival), no power. Props to ebuyer though who got me an RMA number within 10 minutes of me requesting one via their website. So that's already on its way back to ebuyer and now I just have to wait for the
Yesterday I was too mad to write this up, I'm still mad, but here goes.Anyone who has read the A day in the life of Rocky entry will remember the bit about where I noticed the tax disc was missing off my car, missing presumed stolen.Yesterday morning I finally got around to filling in the relevant form from the DVLA to request a duplicate. I posted it off, then we all headed to Edinburgh for a day out. Now, it is an offence to drive a car without displaying a valid tax disc, but hey, I have PAID
You ever have "one of those days"?Mine started at 0235 in the morning. I'm on standby this week and was called out to attend to some work related duties, so that was me from 0235 until 0700, working. I never made it to bed until 1am anyway, so I was just getting into that deep comfortable sleep when the phone rang.Those 5 awake hours were stressful too, so not only deprived of sleep, but stressed out for the period too.Good news is, because I was up most of the night, I did not have to report fo
Technology is obsessed about making things smaller. It's got to the point now though, that gadget designers are realising that they have gone too far, and they are upsizing again! Mobile phones for example, started out like bricks, went down to matchboxes and now they are getting bigger because folks don't want to make calls or text with their phones, no, now they want to watch telly.The other shrinking tech is of course memory cards, and that's what I am complaining about today, in particular S
So my employer decided that to save money they would cut back on the number of nightshifts that staff worked to keep the roads clear of snow. So instead of having a guy working through the night monitoring the conditions, they put one sorry sod on "standby" so he can basically get called at home at any time of the night, whether he is sleeping, half canned or playing Ghost Recon. This week I am that sorry sod.So far I've had to dodge out of Karate class half way through, send someone with some s
I waste an INSANE amount of time editing my posts on web forums for one specific reason - the apostrophy. I don;t know what's happened but 90% of the time I go to hit the apostrphy, I hit the semi-colon by mistake. You can see, I have done it already.Why is this? This did NOT used to be the case. Have they changed the Euro keyboard around, and nobody told me? I did it on my last KB, and now on this new one, it also happens.Sometimes I just leave the mistake in, just browse my posts and you'll sp
Every day in my life, I find things to moan about. This is my place to moan about stuff.Car Servicing Part 1Setting the Scene.I have called this Part 1 not because there is a Part 2 but because I just KNOW there will be a part 2 soon enough.Two days ago the latch on the boot (trunk) of my BMW broke, so the boot lid would not stay shut. I took it into the local BMW dealership to get it repaired. The guy in servicing took a look and said it was an easy job and I could probably fix it myself if I w
I added another Karate book to me collection today, it arrived in the mail thanks to ebay. I am especially happy with this one, and regular readers will be happy to know this one is in English, so I can actually read it!Karate by Hidetaka Nishiyama Published by Tuttle, Japan.So what's so cool about this one? Several things....First of all check out that title, just "Karate". No, How to Improve Your Karate, or Karate an Idiots Guide nonsense here. No, this is the real deal, emphasised by the focu
So, I went and launched another website Now I've added to the portfolio, the list goes something like this...http://www.ghostrecon.nethttp://www.agr-s.comhttp://www.tactical-elite.nethttp://www.jointopscentral.comhttp://www.pspguides.netI think it was because I had 2 weeks off work over Christmas that I managed to hammer out PSPGuides so quickly. I think I must have impressed Google along the way, because out of over 8 million pages matching a search for "psp guides", mine comes
I just came across this photo, it's a cracker ain't it?Everyting about the UFC in one shot - Tito cool as a cucumber, Shamrock ready to mix it one more time, Dana's in there too, and big John, and that announcer guy in the background. Cracking stuff.
Right now I think Google Video is my favourite way of wasting half an hour. It's so simple, you just dive in and click away. If there's nothing on the front page that tickles your fancy, type something that interests you in the search box, and viola, media to watch quick as a flash. Of course there's the usual rubbish like grown men trying to light their own farts, but look past that obvious school boy "humour" and you'll find some cool nuggets, without having to search all over the web or visit
I've gone media crazy, in fairness it's not just me it's technology gone mad. Can you say Tech Overload?Where to start - How about the current state of the television network in the UK. We've got 400 channel cable, satellite and then Freeview set top boxes. Throw into the mix emerging technology of PVR boxes, Teleport technology and HDTV and I am really wishing we could just go back to the days when if you wanted to watch a programme, you tuned in when it was on, at a specific time and a specifi
I can't actually remember what made me buy this book, but I ended up buying the ebook version and read it over a period of a few weeks on my Palm.I knew at the time that The Twelfth Card was part of a series of books based on a detective in a wheelchair, but I wasn't fussy about reading them in order so I just grabbed the most recent one, seeing as how it was riding high in the best sellers at the time.The Bone Collector is part of the same series, most people will have heard of the movie even i
Sometimes when I come home after doing the 9 to 5, I feel like my work is only just beginning.It's getting a bit mad, today at work I made a list of things I had to do online when I got home!1. Research for a Fashion website I'm building for a client.2. Reply to a new client for a website startup.3. Code up and publish GR Mods Roundup 10. Put it in news and Recon page.4. Upload 4 or 5 mods and add them to the database.5. Create new forums at Tactical Elite for the SR2005 tournament starting.6. P
Sony's awesome PSP handheld gaming device was launched in Europe last Friday, and my pre-order from arrived at 10am that morning - happy days!What a superb device this is. Actually, calling it a handheld gaming device is really a little unfair, as it does a whole lot more. Using it's wireless feature you can browse the web from anywhere that has a wifi access point, you can listen to music, and watch movies - either UMD's of DVD quality, or your own movies transfered from your PC. So re
My last blog entry was about Karate-Do My Way of Life, I recently did a kind of strange thing, I bought the latest edition of the japanese version. Even though I cannot read a word of it, it is probably my favourite book.In this 2004 publication there are heaps of never seen before photographs."Karatedo Ichiro" which simply means "Karatedo: One Road."I had it imported from Okinawa and it was worth it, the paper quality and box sleeve is really cool, and the photo's are awesome.It comes in a very