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Reflections of life as I know it...

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Flight Simulator X

I treated myself to a new genre of PC game this weekend with my purchase of Microsoft's Flight Simulator X and a Saitek X52 throttle and joystick combo. I'm really liking it so far. Having never been a flight simmer before, it is a bit complex to get used to...all the details needed to do it correctly...but hey it's tons of fun!



So I'm a cheater?

Now...I don't want to come across like BOTA:X or anything , but today, for the first time, I was accused of cheating when playing a TDM round on the BDA server. I was never approached by anyone, but I had a squadmate on the other side that told me about it later. I kind of take it as a compliment of sorts. I've never really thought of myself being good enough to be considered "beyond everyday gaming ability"... I must really be a stud, eh? Ha, well anyways, kind of took me off guard when




There is nothing quite like waking up at 2:30 in the morning to run to the toilet to vomit up what you had eaten the day prior. Feeling like crap, I sat around the house today and did a whole lot of nothing. I bet I checked GR.NET some 12 times. I did get a new scope for my M15A4 airsoft gun today. I messed around with that for a bit, then back to sulking I went. Maybe I good round or two of GRAW would cheer a guy up?



Where is GR.NET?

I can't help but notice that GR.NET seems awfully quiet lately. Well, it seems to have started somewhere around the release of MP 3. At that point, things seemed to have quieted down some. I don't really know the reason. I know some folks aren't too happy with the way GRAW has turned out; could that be it? There are still posts being made, but they seem less...I dunno...meaningful. I used to spend the better part of an hour or so getting through all those "posts since last visit"s...now i



SWAT 4 for Tactics

Played my first multiplayer SWAT 4 games tonight with my clan. I really like the way you are almost forced to think more tactically than in GRAW. We seemed to work more fluidly and coheasively through all of it. The missions are also a fresh deviation from the streets of Mexico that I have spent many hours upon in GRAW. Anyone else SWAT fans?



ToW and our new server...

Ok, so I'm proud to finally have a squad that is kickin' and havin' fun. We recently got our first dedicated GRAW server from MonsterGamingServers.com, and oh how we love it! Since we got our server we have added nearly 6 new members to our team and more come daily to play with us. Our TS server is alive and kickin' as well... So that is what it feels like to be a part of a sqaud that is alive!? Rock on, I say. Rock on.



It's not yet my birthday...but I'm not complaining

So, my wife will be the first to admit that she doesn't care much for the Ghost Recon series. First is was GR 1 in college, now it is GRAW in marriage. She doesn't like the hours spent sitting here at this very desk nor does she understand how I can enjoy a tactical, team-oriented FPS like GR. With that said, she is an amazing woman. So amazing that tonight I received my early birthday present... an ATI x1900xt. Ok...so I ordered it...but she allowed it...and that is a great thing. Th



An the GRAW community acts Beta...

Ok, I understand that this beta test patch has not been the rosiest experience of the summer for many...myself included. First, I crashed to desktop every time I tried to load GRAW after installing the patch. So, I uninstalled the patch. Then I crashed about 15 seconds after coming to the main screen in GRAW because some Mitchell voice file was missing. So, what to do next? Uninstall GRAW completely and start fresh! Well, except that my InstallShield files had somehow become corrupted and



GG's w/ BDA

Had some real good DOM games tonight with BDA on their server. I like a lot of their recent maps. Nothing more fun that learning a new map while still owning some tangoes in the process!



Insomnia and GRAW...

Nothing like a rough-sleeping Friday night to help you complete a GRAW single player mission or two. Besides that, I think I got raped by "wh0re" tonight on an EU server playing HH. I saw he was on. Many of you probably know who I am talking about. I quickly Alt+Tab'd to open FRAPS and came back to see that he had switched teams. I was really hoping to snag some video if things got fishy. But alas, I resorted to having him kick my butt up and down Com Station. Oh, the joy of the Run N' Gu



Setting up a Multiplayer Server

I've been working on a tutorial for the GR:AW Advanced Manual in how to set up/host a multiplayer server. I have never hosted a server other than a Co-Op mission or two so much of what I've been doing has been learned by just being a participant and listening to people argue in the forum about the best server settings...NO RE-SPAWNS or else!, NO Grenade Launcher, etc. I almost wonder if my work will be done for nothing when the new patch comes out. How will things change in the server set-up



Time to get this party started?

Well...here we go. A GR.NET blog, eh? For a while I was blogging at a website that I threw together just to have the experience in learning HTML, PHP and JavaScript. Since then my website has changed quite a bit. A new design and a new focus brought about my new piece of internet realestate, which can be found here. Words turned into photos and writing into photography. It seems, since I got my hands on GRAW and a computer upgrade, that even those "new" things have fallen to the wayside...



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