There seems to be something of a buzz around the board lately...and the internet in certain places concerning the possibility that Blackfoot Studios is wickedly up to no good. Well, it's true. At least that is what I read.
Getting a game into production often occurs like overnight success in Hollywood used to occur...after years of hard work and perseverence. Although I can't say what is happening at the moment, I will say that I will sleep very well tonight. Actually tomorrow as I will certa
Well it's time to pull out the bullhorn and call ######. Not that I need a bullhorn mind you. Running pre-scuba training for candidates I can always yell like a loudspeaker anyway. But Ubisoft and the US Army need to rethink their promotional campaign. I just watched the new Rise of a Soldier HD Trailer. At the end of the trailer it says, "Warriors aren't born, they're made." Uh ######. Did I say ######? You're damn right I did. ######. Warriors are not made. Not in the training sense. They are
...and there is nothing worse than a bad one. Officers are supposed to be administrators, managers. It doesn't always work out that way. Sometimes that is a good thing, and sometimes it is not. Micromanagement is a primary sin for an officer and occurs because they do not trust the man that has to actually execute the plan on the ground or else they fail to realize they chose to be in their role and that they need to let their men do their job. Their job. An officer that knows when to act can
War is the harshest of teachers. An unrepentant instructor in the rules of Darwin's prose. The Queen of battle gives you the test first and the lesson afterwards. You get the knowledge you need, just after you really need it.We could be doing a better job in the military as a whole training men and women to be prepared. But to do so we must be as harsh, or more harsh than that Queen. Of course it doesn't help when some jackass reporter would rather refer to terrorists as freedom fighters. It is
Stupid actions normally begin with the best of intentions. I saw a leg engineer intent upon improving some of the facilities in Bagram Airbase by removing some of the useless junk. TRANSLATION: He was searching for a few souvenirs for relatives. He lost a leg. Lesson learned from a bitter and unforgiving teacher about treading unfamiliar ground. Look to see who has travelled there before you...and recently.It was without trepidation I began my trek into the world of the personal website. A minef